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there having a laugh surely

Post 1



Director says he's De-Lovely Exclusive

By John Millar

ROBBIE WILLIAMS could be the next Elvis Presley, according to the movie maker who has worked with them both.

Irwin Winkler, who directed Robbie's red-hot cameo performance in the musical De-Lovely, said: 'He's the most innovative, exciting performer today.'

'I thought nobody had the star potential that Elvis Presley had, but certainly Robbie does.'

Winkler, whose hits include classics such as Raging Bull, Rocky and GoodFellas, directed Elvis in Double Trouble in 1966.

He hired Robbie to play a wedding singer in De-Lovely, a big budget musical that stars Kevin Kline as songwriter Cole Porter.

His confidence was confirmed as soon as Robbie stepped in front of the cameras.

Winkler said: 'I just told him 'Do what you want' and he was great. He has great charisma and all those tattoos are covered by his tuxedo so he can transform himself. He's a really attractive guy.

'And as far as acting is concerned, he's really got it. He is a real personality, make no mistake.'

Winkler also revealed that it was thanks to another Elvis that Robbie got involved in De-Lovely, which features a host of stars such Mick Hucknall, Alanis Morisette and Sheryl Crow.

He said: 'I think it was through Elvis Costello, who is also in De-Lovely, that Robbie heard about the movie.

'Then when I was asked if I'd like Robbie Williams in the movie I couldn't believe it was true.

'I had heard his Sinatra album and knew he'd be great!'

When word got out that he was to appear in De-Lovely there was more evidence of the big screen magnetism of Robbie.

'On the day we shot his scene I got all these calls from people asking if they could visit the set,' says the director.

Now it seems he could blossom in films.

Ironically, though, Robbie won't appear on screen in his next movie.

He's the voice of Dougal in a big screen version of TV cult classic animation The Magic Roundabout.

De-Lovely is released today.

there having a laugh surely

Post 2

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

smiley - boing time for bed said zebedee.....

there having a laugh surely

Post 3


Yes said Florence x

there having a laugh surely

Post 4


can no one be poor dougal in 2nd thoughts dont answer that lol

there having a laugh surely

Post 5


I MUST answer that Tig SORRY !! Dougal was the dog wasn't he ? SCOTTISH ?? What you waiting for ? BOW WOW hahahahahahahahahahahaha LOVE Pinky xxx Please no one else does hahahahahaha xxxx

there having a laugh surely

Post 6


now how did i know you would say something like that lololololol

there having a laugh surely

Post 7


Well your in the dog house so much I thought you'd be the PERFECT Dougal hahahahaha xxxxx

there having a laugh surely

Post 8


lol true hahahahahahaha

there having a laugh surely

Post 9


See ,I'm getting to know you too now hahahahahahaha xxxx

there having a laugh surely

Post 10


well u english will catch us scots one day hahahahahahaha how long is that rope

there having a laugh surely

Post 11


LONG ENOUGH hahahahahahaha xxx OK ?

there having a laugh surely

Post 12


long enough to swing ok get out and push hahahaha

there having a laugh surely

Post 13


Now it all depends on what you mean by swing Tig,from the neck do you mean ? hahahaha Love Pinky xxxx

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