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Post 1


In 15 minutes (ish) I'm going to watch
hitchhikers guide on BBC choice (on sky digital!)
There's 2 episodes on i don't know which ones but
they'll still be good!

-=#smiley - smiley (that's meant to be a wizard smiling but it keeps bringing up
a smiley!!!!
I have asked if this can be changed!)


Post 2


Aaarrgghh!!! I don't get BBC choice! Useless cable TV! Oh - wait... I taped it last year when it was on UK Gold smiley - smiley I think I'll go and watch some of it now, actually smiley - smiley


Post 3


Sorry to rub salt in your wounds but the next 2 episodes are on tonight!
I really enjoyed them last night, it's great when they take you by surprise
(by that i mean i saw no adverts for it - not anything rude!!)

-=# : -)


Post 4


smiley - smiley That's why I like watching UK Gold in the holidays - sometimes there's some good stuff on (like the Guide)... BBC Choice is meant to be better, though smiley - erm



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