This is the Message Centre for BonnieParker...


Post 1

(U555555) PRINCE OF VALHALLA (In Search Of Mr. Turniphead )

smiley - wah not fair when i speak to anyone off here i always ask about you or mention you but when you come on you never mention me, i don't think you love me anymore think i'll just go off and eat some worms smiley - wahsmiley - wah
Only joking sweetheart Happy New Year, i'm pleased as punch that you have managed to rejoin the gang on here i'm just naffed off that the only way i can get a word in edgeways on here is when i can get to the library, still better than nowt i suppose.
smiley - kisssmiley - kisssmiley - hugsmiley - hug mmmmmm miss my hugs and kisses.
Say hello to all the gang for me (Tae, jinty, Sheryl, Helen, Helen, Chris, etc etc) anyone i miss sorry not and kisses to all (but mostly for Trish)


Post 2


Aw im sorry Marc xxx i did leave you msg somewhere im sure i did will try & find it soon & write again in there hun...
smiley - cuddlesmiley - hugsmiley - cuddlesmiley - hug im a different person to what i was last time here, will tell you privately though im sick ov being the subject ov gossip, how are you keeping ? plz text me soon love trish xxxhugzxx


Post 3

(U555555) PRINCE OF VALHALLA (In Search Of Mr. Turniphead )

I'm not sure i have your new mobile number to text you so if you still have my number (the one that ends 4363) then you could give me a text on there, also i can't ring out on the phone where i am staying at the moment so if you facied a chat you would have to ring me when it is free call (if you get free calls)
missed you loads and i do hope you haven't changed too much as person cos i was quite fond of the old you, i don't mean old as in age i mean old as in previous...big smiley - hug and smiley - kisses for now hope to chat soon, if you haven't got my email address i will text you that when you get in touch with me or you could ask the DARKNESS groupie ( TTFN
smiley - kisssmiley - hugsmiley - cuddle


Post 4

(U555555) PRINCE OF VALHALLA (In Search Of Mr. Turniphead )

thanks for your txts yesterday great to know you are still in the land of the living, i would love to have a proper chat with you over the phone if you fancy ringing me sometime,
I would love to hear what has been going on in your life and what these major changes are that you have implimented in your life..Im intregued
hope to hear from you soon for now smiley - kisssmiley - hugsmiley - love


Post 5

Billy60 ...

smiley - pirate

Hang on a minute .... there's a couple of Familiar names in here .... smiley - erm ...

Now where have I come across them before ?????

Gimme a clue smiley - headhurts

smiley - tongueout ..... smiley - roflsmiley - rofl

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