This is the Message Centre for BonnieParker...

Hello you /emergency!!

Post 1


Trishsmiley - hug
It's me Taekosmiley - biggrin
Please check your e-mail inbox and try to go another space smiley - ok
If you don't understand mail me, pleasesmiley - ok
Taeko smiley - musicalnote

Hello you /emergency!!

Post 2


Hiya Taeko smiley - hug

Yes its true i havn`t a clue what to do LOL but i havn`t a lot ov time either hon, when things settle down i will try ok, how are you keeping ? smiley - love trish xx

Hello you /emergency!!

Post 3


Trish smiley - smoochsmiley - hug
I know you are busy, but I can't tell you the nickname and password here smiley - yuk
So, please check your e-mail inbox which I told the nickname and password smiley - ok
I'll mail you again.
If you success and go into the space, then we can co private chat smiley - laugh at the same place smiley - ok
I do hope Marc will success, too smiley - sadface
I think Sheryl will be able to deal with it.
Anyway, I'll try to mail you.
Please reply me by mail smiley - ok
Have a Lovely late Sundeay
Taeko smiley - kiss

Hello you /emergency!!

Post 4


smiley - rofl

Have a Lovely late Sundeay smiley - musicalnote

Always miss "l" for musicalnote smiley - rofl

smiley - hug

Hello you /emergency!!

Post 5


Hiya Taeko smiley - smiley

I will give it a try soon, just not really in the right frame ov mind for group chats rather talk individually hon, no offence meant will keep in touch through here ok smiley - hug i> im always getting spellings ov things wrong as you have probably seen but its not me i swear its down to stuttering system smiley - rofl (my excuse & im sticking to it) smiley - teasmiley - tit chat soon hon smiley - love trish xx

Hello you /emergency!!

Post 6


Trish smiley - smooch

How are you?
I've just waken up smiley - yawn

I'll go out to teach friend's smiley - chicks English from late morning smiley - geek

It's a lovely day today smiley - rainbow though I'm very smiley - sleepy

Hope you'll keep in touch smiley - hug

Take Care smiley - tea

Taeko smiley - musicalnote

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