This is the Message Centre for BonnieParker...

Hello you Auld Bat

Post 1


Hi Trish xxx Got your msg in yoome xxxx Hope you get this xxx I'll e-mail you as I'm confused !!!! I know,it's not hard to confuse me ever hahahaha But you know what I mean !!!! Ok Take Care See you soon Love Pinky xxxxx

Hello you Auld Bat

Post 2


Hiya Pinky smiley - smiley

why are you confused hon ? sorry it took me a while to answer this msg, afraid i don`t get online as much as i used to smiley - wah sigh...
hope to get a proper chat with you soon :o)


Hello you Auld Bat

Post 3


Hi Trish,I cannot for the life of me remember why I was confused !!!! Hahahahahaha God I'm hard work hahahahaha What do you mean you know Trish ??? hahahahahaha See you soon Love Pinky xxxxxxxxxx

Hello you Auld Bat

Post 4


ok Jackie smiley - rofl

Now im getting into a confused state too hon, what do you mean by "what do you mean trish" ?? lol i canna see where i said that smiley - headhurts hahahahahahhahahaha im turning jackickienese im turning jackieneenese i really think ;o) chat soon

smiley - love Trish xxxx

Hello you Auld Bat

Post 5


SEE !!!! Now your confused !!!! It doesn't take me long does it !!! Hahahahaha we will chat soon Trish,just as soon as I find a cure for this Jackieness disease hahahahaha Hope your Ok Love Always Pinky xxxx

Hello you Auld Bat

Post 6


Hiya Jackie smiley - rofl

Erm is there a cure, coz im sooooo confuzzed now...erm who am i, who r u, what am i doing here ? LOL chat soon,,im well i think ??? lol hope you are too smiley - love Trish xxx

Hello you Auld Bat

Post 7


Hahahahahahaha,mmmmmmmm.I know how you feel Trish !!!! Most confused !!! Don't worry !!!! It can only get worse hahahahahahaha By then ,you don't care anyway hahahahaha Believe me !!!! I know these things hahahahaha See you later Love Always Pinky xxxxxx

Hello you Auld Bat

Post 8


Hiya Jackie smiley - smiley

How are you ? sorry i havn`t messaged u for ages hon, bit down at mo smiley - wah i will tell you in mail why, bet you been full ov busy with it being mothers day smiley - biggrin chat soon hopefully hon, take care love trish xx

Hello you Auld Bat

Post 9


Hi Trish xxx mail me PLEASE,I can't get into yoome.I haven't been around much this week with Mothers Day,back to sanity now(you know what I mean ) hahahaha Hate to think of you being down xxx Mail me soon OK ? Love Jackie xxxxx

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