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Post 1


good morningsmiley - smiley nice to to meet ya i'm steve,28,newcastlesmiley - smiley i noticed you were in newcastle too,it's nice to see a localsmiley - coolsmiley - cheers


Post 2


Hiya Steve smiley - smiley

Aye im from the toon hun, live near Segedunum, im 41 & soon to be a granny!.
btw my name is Trish smiley - witch


Post 3


hello,eh a granny at 41 i bet that hurts lol smiley - smiley nah congratulations,i love in fenham,just outside city centre


Post 4


smiley - rofl so you love in fenham then ? is that anywhere near where you live then ? smiley - winkeye
Aye i thought it would hurt but im really looking forward to being a granny smiley - smiley


Post 5


lol yeah seen that mistake after it was too late lolsmiley - smiley well if your ever in area i'll buy ya a drinksmiley - bubbly how ya doing anyway?smiley - smiley

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