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hi there trish

Post 1

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

im not sure what you want on the message intro,(re the teashoppe 6 message)

A2228113 click this as to the ww2 guide and all will be revealed.

you have a pic on the discus and message,im not sure what you need
let me know smiley - lovejimxx

hi there trish

Post 2


Hiya Jim smiley - smiley

Im wondering do you do the colored box the same way i did the ones on my space with the TABLE code ?

I will have a look at that ww2 a bit later as i have company now smiley - biggrin & have to shift some furniture, lay a carpet, my son & g/f are coming soon & im babysitting tonight LOL (no peace for the wicked eh?)

Chat soon smiley - love Trish xx

hi there trish

Post 3

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi trish,this is how mine is done

watch out
jimcracker,s about

hope this comes out ok, and helps you jimsmiley - love

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