This is the Message Centre for BonnieParker...

Missing Conversation

Post 1

Billy60 ...

Trish smiley - sadface

I cant find our Boo I c u conversation .... smiley - headhurts I am not on my PC but the one I have with Taamyu is still there ???

Chris smiley - cry

Missing Conversation

Post 2


Have you tried looking at the top ov the page Chris ? it should be there smiley - smiley

Trish smiley - rose

Missing Conversation

Post 3

Billy60 ...

Trish smiley - smiley

I have even looked in 'see more conversations' its just varnished smiley - sadface

Chris. smiley - hug

Missing Conversation

Post 4


r u at work or home ?

Missing Conversation

Post 5

Billy60 ...

Trish smiley - smiley

Neither ...I am in London at my aunts... taking my mum to see the show jumping at Olympia Tomorrow for her Birthday smiley - ok

Chris smiley - cuddle

Missing Conversation

Post 6


do u have my phone number with you ?
only need to ask you one thing i cant on here to help you find it Chris smiley - hugsmiley - smiley oh bet that will be smiley - cool she should enjoy that

Missing Conversation

Post 7

Billy60 ...

Trish smiley - ok

I will have to go now as my aunt has to pay for the use of her internet ... so if I dont speak to you before .... SEE you in about a week smiley - ok..

Chris smiley - hug

Missing Conversation

Post 8

Billy60 ...

smiley - ok Chris will try & sort your problem out & will change skin colour back once sorted smiley - oksmiley - smiley

Have a lovely christmas smiley - kiss under the smiley - mistletoe

smiley - discosmiley - santasmiley - snowballsmiley - rofl

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