This is the Message Centre for BonnieParker...


Post 1


smiley - laugh
I really get confused with your new space.

Well, my hotmail address is

Hope you understand this smiley - laugh
Please don't pass this to anyone else, but I'll let you know my other secret one after I receve your mail smiley - smiley
I really hate 'junk mail', so please understand me how I'm very careful Even this is very brave message to me lol.

smiley - rose
smiley - cuddle
Taamyu smiley - titsmiley - rose


Post 2


Taamyu smiley - smiley

Yes i understand you hon n will send u photos n hotmail addy when i go off here smiley - hug

Trish smiley - rose


Post 3


Trish smiley - diva
smiley - ta for your photos smiley - biggrin
I received your mails with photos safely smiley - ok
I sent mine from 'secret' mail address lol.
I wonder if @active address can show you bigger photos smiley - erm
Please mail me or leave your message here whether you can see a horror witch or not lol smiley - laugh
Well Keep in Touch with me, if you don't mind smiley - musicalnote
smiley - hug
Taamyu smiley - chicksmiley - rose


Post 4


Triah smiley - rose

May I add you into my friends' list?
If you don't mind, please you do.

Taeko smiley - titsmiley - rose


Post 5


No hon activemail can`t recieve bigger photos thats why i gave u my hotmail addy (not many ppl know it so guard it well) smiley - smiley i don`t mind being on ur friends list at all smiley - biggrin has Marc been on tonight ?


Post 6


Hiya smiley - smiley
I add you into my friends' list smiley - smiley
Yep, it seems that Mac is awake tonight, but he's not been at tea shoppe yet smiley - steam
smiley - laugh
Taamyu smiley - titsmiley - rose


Post 7


I am talking to Marc right now hon, but as we upset a lot ov ppl we do it priv a lot these days (some ppl are just too touchy) what time is it in Japan ? its 2.35 here & im getting reaready for sleep now smiley - hug my smiley - dog`s want out bbs smiley - run


Post 8


Trish smiley - hug
I understand you smiley - laugh
Tea shoppe is such a busy place these days.
I wonder if I disturbe you a lot smiley - sorry If I annoy you, Marc, jon, I'm very sorry for that smiley - cry.
It's 11.46 in the morning of the 30th, this means 2.46 of the 30th in England.
We have 9 hours time differences.
Hope you can keep in touch with me smiley - rose
Taeko smiley - hugsmiley - rose


Post 9



you arn`t disturturbing me hon smiley - hug if i was too busy i would just tell you smiley - smiley yes the tea shopshoppe does get crammed nowadays, thats why i stay out oov there sometietimes coz im too tired to talk to to lots ov ppl n can`t k`t keep up LOL soz aboabout all typos its not me its arkwright LOL smiley - smiley
will be going to bed soon hon so if i don`t talk again today will msg u tomozz smiley - oksmiley - love Trish smiley - rose


Post 10


Trish smiley - hug

Have a Lovely Dream, hon smiley - rose

TTaaaammmmyyyuuu smiley - roflsmiley - rosesmiley - star


Post 11


Hello Trish smiley - hug

How are you?

>>>>>smiley - rofl

smiley - biggrin
I found(Marc told me) my 'eyekhan' page.
But I don't know how to use it lol.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>smiley - tit
smiley - yawnsmiley - roflsmiley - rofl
I'll be wide awake, because I've just wake up(6.16 in the morning of the 20nd) smiley - cappuccino
If you have spare time, I'm happy to get your reply smiley - hug

Take Care smiley - cuddle
Taeko smiley - chicksmiley - rose


Post 12


Hiya Taeko smiley - smiley

well hon to be honest im not too sure about the workings ov this eye khan myself had to get Marc to set me me up on it lol hope ur well chat soon Trish smiley - rose


Post 13


Trish smiley - smiley

It's really smiley - weird...
I now just put you, marc and chris into my 'private folder'
I do hope I can chat individually without disturbing lol.
I'm not sure how many conversation thread you can see on my space...
They said what people can see my space differently from me smiley - grr this makes me confused smiley - laugh

If I am managed it, then I'll be very happy, because I have one more 'ammusement space' here with you LOL

Speak to you soon smiley - hug

Taeko smiley - chicksmiley - rose

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