This is the Message Centre for angelicaheaven

Waving Ta Ta For Now

Post 21


Oh thanks Iain smiley - smiley
What do i do now then, do i get in touch with her or she me?

Waving Ta Ta For Now

Post 22

(crazyhorse)impeach hypatia

youll get emails from her next month and you can send your poems back to her or just suggest any of your favourites

Waving Ta Ta For Now

Post 23


Oh ok thanks you are a great mate smiley - biggrin
It was my anniversary yesterday, i have been on here for 2 years now smiley - smiley

Waving Ta Ta For Now

Post 24

(crazyhorse)impeach hypatia

ive ve been on fer years but i dunnae how many

Waving Ta Ta For Now

Post 25


I think you came on the same time as me really, you should remember you give me the link the first time.

Waving Ta Ta For Now

Post 26

(crazyhorse)impeach hypatia

aye i had it for ages missfrance give it me

Waving Ta Ta For Now

Post 27


I know cos i remember you gave it to me as soon as you got it off her.

Waving Ta Ta For Now

Post 28

(crazyhorse)impeach hypatia

actually i had it for ages but rarely used it still ill works through bbci ci by the way

Waving Ta Ta For Now

Post 29


Oh i know smiley - smiley
I will be going again shortly, but first i have to post to Jim.
Go to Hi Nats thread in about 5 to 10 mins, and i will say cheerio in there smiley - ok

Waving Ta Ta For Now

Post 30


Hi you 2,hope your both OK and staying out of trouble !!!! I know,I ask for miracles sometimes don't I ?? hahahha Keep smiling ,Chat soon Love Pinky xxxxx

Waving Ta Ta For Now

Post 31


Miracles are a blessing hun, well that's what my nan use to say anyway smiley - smiley
Anyway i am always staying out of trouble smiley - biggrin
smiley - love xx*NATS*xx smiley - angel

Waving Ta Ta For Now

Post 32


I believe you Nats xx I DO, honestly xx How are you ? Love Pinky xxxx

Waving Ta Ta For Now

Post 33


Are you sure you do believe me lol smiley - smiley
Oh i am great hun, i couldn't be any better smiley - biggrin
Oh Pinky she is so adorable, she is just like me even in her ways POOR GIRL smiley - biggrin

Waving Ta Ta For Now

Post 34


I am so happy for you Nats xxx I didn't for one minute think she'd be any different. Love Pinky xxx

Waving Ta Ta For Now

Post 35


Oh and she is fruity as a fruitcake just like me too smiley - smiley
Oh Jackie i will have to reply to your other message tomorrow hun, for i want to say cheerio to all my friends sorry to say.
You take care smiley - ok

smiley - love xx*NATS*xx smiley - angel

Waving Ta Ta For Now

Post 36


No worries Nats xxx You take Care speak soon.I must be going too.Love Pinky xxxxxx Night night xxx

Waving Ta Ta For Now

Post 37


Hiya hun.

Well this is my last posting now until wednesday sorry to say, cos i won't be coming on tomorrow for i will be packing you see.
So i will speak to you when i get back smiley - ok
You take care also.
smiley - love xx*NATS*xx smiley - angel

Waving Ta Ta For Now

Post 38

(crazyhorse)impeach hypatia

so long linda

Waving Ta Ta For Now

Post 39


Hahahahaahaha Hi Iain,so you've fallen in love with Betsie,hahaha someone had too hahahaha Safe journey Nats see you Wednesday Love to both Pinky xxx

Waving Ta Ta For Now

Post 40


Hello Everybody

Hazel here to tell you that our Nats sould be by tomorrow night, so here's hoping that she will be on by the time she gets back.
How have you all been anyway?
Love Hazel smiley - witch

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