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Post 1

Titania (gone for lunch)

..just to say hi! (OK, so I've used this phrase before, but it rhymes, doesn't it? smiley - smiley )

I'm just 37, happen to be a controller (didn't plan to) and I too still don't know what to become when I grow up.

I think life is like laying a jigsaw puzzle. Only trouble is - someone mislaid the cover with the final picture, AND mixed the pieces up with those of another (or several) other puzzles.

So I try one piece - it doesn't fit. I try another piece - it SEEMS to fit, at least until I find the other pieces supposed to fit in around it, and discover I have to discard that piece completely, because it doesn't fit in.

And somtimes I'm in luck and find a piece that fits in very well indeed, and gives a clearer picture of the final motive.

Isn't life like that? smiley - smileysmiley - fish

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