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Hello Ron from a veteran's daughter

Post 1

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Hi Ron,
I have read your Personal Space on h2g2, and I'm having real problems getting a message to you, to thank you for all your work.
My father is a Normandy Veteran, he was with Lancashire Fusilliers.
He wrote the History of the Normandy Veterans for h2g2 (I typed it out and did the code)smiley - smiley
He's 87 now, him and my mother (who helped me write "World War II Rationing in Britain") have been married 64 years this year.smiley - biggrin

Kind regards,
Ann Croft aka Galaxy Babe, daughter of Frank Wolstencroft.

Hello Ron from a veteran's daughter

Post 2


Hi Ann

I've just returned home after a morning of visiting family and my computer sang out 'You've got mail!'

Nita said, who's it from ? and I smugly replied 'Galaxy Babe' smiley - smiley

Many thanks for your kind words... I am just a novice with 56 years of married bliss behind me (compared with your parents 64) but I do appreciate the help you must have been in posting your Dad's stories, I will make a point of looking out for it on h2g2.

We will talk some more another time

Kind regards to all


Hello Ron from a veteran's daughter

Post 3

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

How tardy of me not to provide links!smiley - doh

A533918 World War Two Rationing in Britain


A3372888 The History of the Normandy Veterans Association

I taught my Dad to use the computer as wellsmiley - winkeye
even though I only started learning how to use a computer in 1999, self-taught I bought my first computer and jumped in feet first.
smiley - footprints

smiley - biggrin

How I envy the youngsters of today who are being brought up alongside this technology!

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday smiley - smiley

smiley - flyhi

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