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Future archive design

Post 1

WW2 People's War Team

Dear Ron

Thought you would like to know that in today's meeting we were discussing how we are going to inform the public about the differences that will be present in the new static archive, compared to this website.

We won't be able to give definite answers about everything (the pilot is not yet complete) but it was suggested that we could give regular updates showing some of the issues that we are exploring. So Deborah will be setting that up next week.

Regards, Penelope

Future archive design

Post 2


Dear Penelope

Excellent idea.

You can't go far wrong if you just keep your 'customers' up-dated whenever possible.



Future archive design

Post 3

WW2 People's War Team

Dear Ron

We would have added it later but your comments were one of the reasons that we made us realis it would be good to add it now.

Regards, Penelope

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