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The war in Italy after June 1944

Post 1


Hi Ron,

Firstly, I hope you had a wonderful time at the VE / VJ Day Commemorations in London. Perhaps you are going to post an article to the website about it from a veteran's viewpoint?

Any chance you can suggest a useful reference work about the war in Italy, especially after June 1944? I'm trying to help out some friends about what their relatives did and there seem to be relatively few works about that period.

I've also posted a separate message for Tom Canning. Perhaps he can suggest something.

You've got more than enough in your own memoirs from what I've read on this website to publish a book of your own.

Best wishes,

The war in Italy after June 1944

Post 2


Hi Ritson

Sorry that I can't offer much advice on this's not too late to ask Peter the same question and I'm sure that you will get quite a few good suggestions.

With reference to Sunday's Commemoration Events, this was quite a day and the authorities did us proud. The day, however, was very well covered in the media and much as I seem to like writing I don't think it's appropriate to post any more coverage here.

Best wishes


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The war in Italy after June 1944

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