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SOE and Gross Rosen

Post 1


I am looking for informations abouth the mother of a child that was adopted to Norway after the war. Her name shall have been Mary Mitchel, and she was arrested in Hamburg in 1943. She was a SOE soldier, and was imprisoned in Gross Rosen, where she gave birth to a son in the beginning of 1945, just before the russian liberation. After this, she was staying with her child in the aerea. They were both ill. Some months later, she was taken by the russioans for repatriation, but disappeard. The child was taken care of by the red Cross and sent to Norway, where he was adopted by my aunt. I have been helping him for a long time to find out more, but it is difficult, and I would appreciate any help in this matter.

Kjell Brynildsen, Norway

SOE and Gross Rosen

Post 2


Hi Kjell
I'm sorry, but this is outside my area of expertise. I have passed it on to a friend of mine who is an expert researcher and you will probebly be hearing from him sometime in the future.
Best wishes

SOE and Gross Rosen

Post 3

Deborah - WW2 Team

Hello Kjell,

The Red Cross may be able to help you: have a look at the information and links on this page - A3043928.


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