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Post 1


hi ron i to went to cassino cemetery in febuary this year it is something i always wanted to do as a child my uncle william doolan was killed on the 17 may 1944 he was just 23 years old i did not know him as i was not born in the war but when people spoke about my uncle billy i always new somehow i would go and see his grave i went on hoilday to rome so me and my husband got the train and i took photo's and filmed it what a loverly place and kept so well i found the grave and just stood there looking and wondered all theys young boys men died for us. i am going back in october as my sister and cousin wants to go i just wanted to say thank you for what you done in the war for all the people in england p.mcmahon


Post 2


Hi P.
Thank you for your very kind words.
You are to be commended for your own actions in wishing to honour your late Uncle Bill and it does you credit.
Best wishes
Ron Goldstein

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