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Post 1


Hi Ron! Read your article, I felt the same when I visited the monastary last September. As at the time we did not know what was going on up there with the Germans, we were only too pleased with the bombing.
In restrospect! Many unpleasant
deeds are done during a war especially when ones life is on the line, but unfortunately that is what war is about. I do get a bit tired of people telling us now we should not have done this or that,and trying to rewrite history. THEY WERE NOT THERE !
so they don't know what we, or any other men anywhere in the services had to contend with.
As I mentioned when I saw you in London I have some photo's I took at
Cassino Cemetary and will be sending them on to you and hope you will be able to contact any of the families concerned
Ray Sinclair


Post 2


Hi Ray
In the process of catching up after my week in Rome I realised I hadn't replied to this particular posting although I believe I covered some of the points in my e-mail to you.
At the risk of covering old ground I have to agree with you regarding 'they were not there'.
Too much history is written today withe benefit of 60 odd years of hindsight.
Your photos were gratefully received and the info contained in them will be incorporated into the latest update.
Many thanks

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