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Hello Tony

Post 1

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

Hope you and yours are well?
Yes smiley - ta xmas i was ill but new year was fantasticsmiley - biggrin

Hope yours was toosmiley - smiley

Hello Tony

Post 2


hiyasmiley - angelhope you are better now pity bout xmas not being to good for you bet you made up for it in the new year,ours wasnt to bad trouble was u was at work xmas night and new years day but apart from that it was ok any way its nice typing to you again hope to chat soonsmiley - lovetony

Hello Tony

Post 3

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

Hi Tonysmiley - smiley

I bet you all made up for it afterwards thoughsmiley - smiley

Yeh i made up for it new year and for next year i thinksmiley - laugh

Yeh same to you nice you getting in touch.
Take care speak soon. smiley - hug


Hello Tony

Post 4


hiyasmiley - angeldidnt keep in touch b4 as i didnt see you on hn here for ages so couldnt send you ne msgs it is nice to type to old friends again not that your old just a figment of speechsmiley - laughglad your better now will get to see you eventualy but at the mo got 1 guard off sick so im having to cover chat soon t/csmiley - lovetony

Hello Tony

Post 5

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

Hi Tony smiley - smiley

Oh Im sure i can forgive you just this oncesmiley - biggrin

Long as you are smiley - ok though thats the main thing.

I was off line for a few weeks towards the end of last year as i did have pnumonia but that was only for a ferw weeks.
You know what they say you cant keep a old dog downsmiley - laugh
Yeh you said right im not old well not to old anywaysmiley - laugh

Well its good to hear from you again. you take care speak soon.smiley - smiley


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