This is the Message Centre for WINGFOOT30

hi tony

Post 1


toooonnnnyyy hi m8 its me angie aka lotsolov from yoome2 how r ya ,,,, looks like its gunna b yoome2 all over agen ive seen most of the gang on ere already well chat soon xxxangiexxx

hi angie

Post 2


hi smiley - lovenice to hear ar from you again have you only just started on here you will find it more interesting smiley - biggrintthere are quite ae a few yoome 2 ppl on here now ne chat at soonsmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - lovetony


Post 3


hi tony yeah ive only just started on ere so im still not used to it yet,im not sure wot t click on n wot not i know there r forums u can go into n chat but im not sure how to get into them i suppose ill learn as i go on lol,ive also ad a different colour background to the 1 i av now but im not sure how to get that bk either lol neways ill chat l8 m8eee byeee xxxangxxx


Post 4


hi angiesmiley - loveif you need any help with your page just ask and will ask son to do it who is dragon lord on here if you want to no how to do the smilies just click on to 1 of mine and it will bring up the smiley page but you must press you prob no already but just in case you dont chat soon byeeeeesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosetony

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