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Post 1


smiley - smiley Hi,Tony
u don't know me ,but I just stopped by to wish u & urs all the very best for 2004smiley - cheerssmiley - bubbly

hi freelove

Post 2


smiley - smileywishing you a happy new year as well i like your page specialy ly the fish and chips one lol your in to my era then with your music the 50,60,70s im pleased to to meet you chat soonsmiley - lovetony

hi tony

Post 3


smiley - smileyHi,Tony, yes the 50's to the 70's music just can't be beat.
smiley - musicalnoteI like singing,Cher,Tina Turner,Lyn Anderson songs at karaokes,lalala Lol.
My friend sent for an application form for Stars in their eyes,for me, years ago,but I chickened out.
Liz,my friend said I looked like Cher,but the fact is did I sound like her? Maybe a missed opportunity?
I'll continue singing to my wee ducks,in my bath,they can always cover up their ears Lol
Well, Tony have a great day,and an ever better week ahead,take care,from
me {freelove2004}smiley - peacedove

hi freelove

Post 4


hope your ok singing to your little duckssmiley - biggrinyour friend says you look like cher is that before al all the facelifts lol or after you cant beat the early music at least you can hear all the words,why not go for it on stars in ther eyes or maybe pop idol any way chat soon tonysmiley - peacedove

hi again Tony

Post 5


smiley - smileyno face lifts,Tony lol.
I will try Stars in their eyes,well at least apply for my own application form.
Chat soon,Margaret{freelove2004}
a rose for ur wifesmiley - rose

hi again margaret

Post 6


smiley - smileyhi if your voice is as good as you type you will have ve no probs winning as to face lifts to me its for ppl with something to hide like there age dont see why though no matter how many face lifts you have your still the same agesmiley - biggrinne way got to go chachat soon i hopesmiley - lovetony wife said thanks for thesmiley - rose

good day tony & family

Post 7


smiley - smileyThanks,Tony for ur kind words.
Do u think ur wife would like to write to me? We could talk about the kids,etc.smiley - peacedove
I live in East Kilbribe with my partner John.I have 4 kids,4 grandchildren,all boys.They r a treasure,but sometimes,little devils,like most kids,Lol.
I'll close for now,hoping to hear from u & ur wife,soon,best wishes &smiley - love from me,Margaret.smiley - smiley

hi margaret

Post 8


smiley - smileyso you have 4 g/kids they have got to be a handfull when they are all together then smiley - laughasked the wife to type to you bu but its finding the time thats the prob she as to take g/kids to school and also pick them up as well so she doesnt ge get much time on here now ne way chat soon smiley - lovetony and lorna

hi,Tony & Lorna

Post 9


smiley - smiley Thanks Tony for replying to my message.
The g/kids r a handful,but I now live in East Kilbride with my guy,John
so I dont see them a lot now.
Its nice to see them,but their mum & dads keep a good watch over them for me.Saying that Im off up to see them on the 14th.Most of my family live in Dundee,Scotland,thats where I come from.A scottish lassie through & through.A lover of haggis,porridge & oatcakes lol.
Plz. give my regards to Lorna,one busy,busy lady,she deserves lots of smiley - rose take care of urselves,chat again soon,smiley - lovefrom me lol,Margaret
smiley - peacedove

hi,Tony & Lorna

Post 10


smiley - smiley Thanks Tony for replying to my message.
The g/kids r a handfull,but I now live in East Kilbride with my guy,John
so I dont see them a lot now.
Its nice to see them,but their mum & dads keep a good watch over them for me.Saying that Im off up to see them on the 14th.Most of my family live in Dundee,Scotland,thats where I come from.A scottish lassie through & through.A lover of haggis,porridge & oatcakes lol.
Plz. give my regards to Lorna,one busy,busy lady,she deserves lots of smiley - rose take care of urselves,chat again soon,smiley - lovefrom me lol,Margaret
smiley - peacedove

hi margaret

Post 11


hiyaasmiley - loveyes lorna is busy shes up at 5am every morning goes out at 6.30 to get the g/kids ready for school takes them to school comes back home for a couple of hours then has to pick tk the little 1 up at 11.50 she as them till about 5.30pm as the daughter is a teacher for special needs children.lorna used to go up scotland alot b4 we was married which seems a long time ago nowsmiley - biggrinme personally i love po porridge but never tried haggis somehow it it doesnt appeal to me,lorna said thanks for the smiley - rosebtw on here she is UNICORN chatsoon smiley - lovetony &lorna


Post 12


smiley - smileyHi,Tony & Lorna

I hope u r both well? I phoned for an application form,for Stars in their eyes.
It takes up to 28 days to come through.I can,if I do'nt get on tv at least say I tried. My youngest daughter,Joan is visiting us at the moment.
Im showing her,my new life here in East Kilbride with my partner John.
Its been all go from the start.
I'll close for now,hoping to hear from u both,soon,fom Margaret.smiley - peacedovesmiley - bunnysmiley - rose


Post 13


hi margaret its all go here as well witwith me working 14hour shifts do dont get much time do anything i work and sleep at the moment what does your daughter think of kilbride then you never no she might come to live down there the way lorna said hi got to get ready for work so chat soon t/csmiley - peacedovesmiley - lovesmiley - rosetony&lorna

Hello Tony & Lorna

Post 14


smiley - smiley hello,Tony,thanks for finding the time to write back to me.
My daughter enjoyed her time in East Kilbride,but Im sure she won't want to live here.Joan loves to babysit for my eldest dauhter,Maureen,so she would certainly miss her nephews too much,& her sister.Also,Maureen would miss not having her babysit.Take care,Tony & Lorna & family,chat soon,smiley - lovefrom Margaretsmiley - rosesmiley - peacedove

hello freelove

Post 15


smiley - smileyhi again i dont mind replying when i have the the time.lorna used to go up scotland quite a bit before we were married she said it was lovely up there to what ive seen it looks a ok.have you thought who you are going to take off when you get on stars in your eyessmiley - biggrinany way chat soonsmiley - loveto all tony&lorna>rose>smiley - peacedove

Hi,Tony& Lorna

Post 16


smiley - smileyHi,I thought of a few singers I could be on Stars....Tina Turner,Cher,Sandy Shaw or Lyn Anderson.smiley - musicalnoteI want the song to be happy and catchy so people will be happy to listen to it.smiley - musicalnote
I even thought of the song Bobby's Girl,as I sung that in primary school,as I had a crush on on guy named Bobby.smiley - smileyI might change the name to John's Girl lol.smiley - bunnyI hope u r all well? Im up early again,Im my own alarm clock between 7-15 & 8am,no wonder I am tried out during the day lol.
Well take care u all,chat again soon,smiley - lovefrom Margaretsmiley - rosesmiley - peacedove

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