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hi tony m8....

Post 1


bet you wondered wots took me to answer you this when you first wrote i was'nt used to using this,but now i've got more into it. guess all i need do now is try to get sum ppl to chat too so hows work and wot else you been up2. i hear you got another job,so i hope all goes well with it. try not to work to many days. remember you need a break and a laff urself. hope to catch you in sumtime too. perhaps then you can see jo and take the mickey out of her bout her size...lmao. by the time we see you we'll probably be cuming with the new baby too. t/ soon.

hi chris m8

Post 2


nice to hear from you lol takes me me a while now to ansa msgs dont seem to have the time smiley - biggrinthe new job shud be alright i hope i workork tues&thurs on days and fri/sat/sun night which ih isnt to bad as u sed jo will av had the bab bye the time i see you lot so to t/c smiley - lovetony wingsmiley - footprints

hi chris m8

Post 3


morning m8,
thought you was never going to yeah hope the new job goes well. you mentioned a few days but not monday and wednesday? are these your days off then? wonder how you'll be pushed over xmas too. trouble with the job is they need you always. never mind we're bound to meet
i thought you got on here every morning actually,tho now i no different. this aint too bad now i got the hang of it but i'm still no wizard. dont do any fancy stuff like smileys and pics....but then i dont chat to many either to worry about it. well have a gud week and i'll catch you one bye.

hi chris m8

Post 4


hi its me again nice to see you to see you nice lol when i do the 15hour shifts im always to smiley - bleepto go on,shud have some time off this xmas but dont no when far as i no shud b off xmas eve on xmas day but got the he nite off far as i no but will have 2 wait and see,yeah it is mon/thurs i have off unless they call me in just fone them up and they ey want me 2 go in 4 a couple of hours 2nite thats a good start told thethem noway chat l8as btw im office hours 2moz 9till 5 say hi to all for me t/c wingsmiley - footprintsps 4 jo smiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rose

hi chris m8

Post 5

U516885 worries m8 i'll see jo gets the flowers. you take it easy and see you soon... oh by the way ur signature you keep doing. i reckon one foot wud do to make "wingfoot" where as it seems to be saying "wingfeet" nite.

hi chris m8

Post 6


soz m8 but it wont let me do 1 foot looks like changinging my name to wingfeet lol as if i would tell jo the roses are with all my love chat soon wingsmiley - footprints

hi chris m8

Post 7


i've shown her the roses m8 and she sed only 3.....where's the rest of the its a shame about the feet tho but then i bet its only me who's questioned you on them. thought you sed you wud'nt be on that've been on everyday dont work too hard..


Post 8


smiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rose9 more roses now thats a dozen in all the reason im on here more this week it makes a change not to go to work everynight lol at least i can spend a bit of time at home without having to catch up on sleep chat soon tony


Post 9


now now dont get carried away with the . you shud think urself lucky then now you got more spare time,but as for on here i thought scott wud be on more so hows your new job been so far then?


Post 10


hiya m8 tell her to think herself lucky even lorna dont get nesmiley - roses as to scott not coming on dont no y hes still up all nite lol as to the job it its ok at the moment lots of walking tho its a smiley - bleepbig car park to patrol had to check that all the doors on the ca cars were locked y/day nearly 300 in all lol chat soon from us


Post 11


hi least it gives you sumthink to hope you only have to check them once and not everytime you go round. yeah scott is on at nite..not sure how long for tho as i'm usually gone b4 him. jo sed hi and see you soon......who catch ur l8ers m8,got tea to do.


Post 12


hi m8,
how cum you went onto julie's conversation to get to me when we already got this one? lol. ur not wrong bout jo's size,but i hear she might surprise you yet. bet thats got you guessing. see you l8ers.


Post 13


hiya m8 just red your msg nowt jo does surprises ms me smiley - biggrinhows the licklesmiley - monsters lol if shes getting that that big she will ne need the bed 2 herself chat soon m8 tc


Post 14


Hi m8,
ur rite about the smiley - monster and as for the bed,who sed i get any of it I guess my wot you put here u've read my msg b4 you noticed the surprise off jo. Surely you aint missed it....lmao. Never mind,t/c and dont work too hard.
Yours CHRIS....


Post 15


HAPPY NEW YEAR M8.....smiley - crackersmiley - cheers


Post 16


HIYA M8 HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU AS WELL thanks for thesmiley - stiffdrink&thesmiley - crackersay happy new year to my smiley - lovetell her ive still got asmiley - brokenheartchat st soon tony


Post 17


Hi m8.......seems we'll have to do sum think about your smiley - Heard cuddly's had the baby,picked a gud nite to have her. Chat soon. T/c.
smiley - stiffdrink cheers.


Post 18


hiya m8....

sent you a msg and no aint you been on or cant get on. hows work and have you been up2 anythink else? either the days are going quicker or my memorys gone a blank.( no comments plz)..lmao. well watch wot ur doing and dont work too hard....its not worth it...bye for now. chat soon.


Post 19


hiya m8 soz didnt see your msg otherwise would have answered it,work is ok at the moment be glad when i can retire thosmiley - biggringive mysmiley - loveto ao all the family & chat soon tony


Post 20


Hi m8,

no worries....i know you did'nt ignore me on know ur busy and only get on when you get the chance. Things seem alot difference since our yoome2 days. Everyone else is ok and jo's feeling alot better. I wont keep you too long as i know ur eager to get back to work. Soon m8.

Chris..... smiley - kiss off jo.

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