This is the Message Centre for WINGFOOT30


Post 1


hello tony....looks like i've found ur new hope i did this right by sending from here as cud'nt see anywhere else. well no doubt we'll see you soon,so t/c and don't work to hard..

hi kemo sabbi

Post 2


hiya chris smiley - biggrincant glad you found my page not stoping on tho im a bitsmiley - sleepyat the moment so ge getting some smiley - zzztc c ya soonsmiley - loveto jo & kids tell her ive ive got a smiley - brokenheartnot seeing her wingsmiley - footprintssmiley - rosesmiley - rose4 jo

hi kemo sabbi

Post 3


hiya m8....soz its took ages to reply but i have'nt checked on here for hows things with urself? hope to catch yo in says hi..

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