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hi tony

Post 1

Anya The Ex Demon

hi tony how are u and lorna ?? smiley - hug

smiley - love julie

hi tony

Post 2


hi julie just managed to get in tnx to a m8 we are both gr8 ta and and how are you chat soon smiley - lovetony

hi tony

Post 3

Anya The Ex Demon

hi tony

I'm gr8 thanks hunni I'm packing at the moment as I'm moving in with Tom soon smiley - smiley It's good to see you back smiley - hug

Chat soon

smiley - love Julie smiley - devil


Post 4


good to be back smiley - biggrintook a whileile but finaly got there only prob now is getting back my friends list.good luvk to you both when you move in with tomsmiley - cuddlesmiley - lovelorna nd tony


Post 5

Anya The Ex Demon

thanks hunni smiley - hug

I've just got so much to do now smiley - rofl

smiley - love julie

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