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do away with the email

Post 1

Researcher 220282

Hi tony smiley - smiley

I see you got here smiley - biggrin you dont the validation email anymore

just sign on as a new member but give all wingfoots details and it ask if you have already registered click 'yes'`answer the secret question and thats it sorted.... you will to do the same again new members if you have to reset your digbox smiley - smiley

Jonathan smiley - zoom

do away with the email

Post 2

Star Fleet...

"waves" smiley - smiley or you could try here A1914491

Star Fleet
smiley - zen

do away with the email

Post 3

Researcher 220282

Hi starfleet smiley - smiley(I remember the TV show)

good one that makes three solutions I've seen now smiley - smiley

Jonathansmiley - zoom

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