This is the Message Centre for Petunia - Offline


Post 1


Hi Petunia!smiley - cheerup


Post 2

Petunia - Offline

Hello. How may one be of assistance?

smiley - biggrin -- Petunia

Hello Petunia

Post 3


Hello dear, are you doing well?

smiley - lovesilverdavids

Hello Petunia

Post 4

Petunia - Offline

I think I may have spotted you down at the shops this morning smiley - huh ...

'Oh no, not again' smiley - cheerup

Hello Petunia

Post 5


Surely not dear, I live in a small heavenly island in the indean ocean, "Mauritius Island", were you there this morning?smiley - winkeye

Hello Petunia

Post 6

Petunia - Offline

Apologies, I just thought from your familiar terms that you knew me.

'Not Pet. for short.'

Hello Petunia

Post 7


Oh don't apologize dear, I don't mind!smiley - winkeye

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