This is the Message Centre for Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

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Post 1


Hello !

I've heard of you...........

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Post 2

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Well I hope that it was all good stuff that you heard.. lol.
Hello to you too..
Tell me about yourself... smiley - smiley

No Subject

Post 3


Hey Maggie,

Does Rod S sing about you ??!!



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Post 4

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

I'm sure he would if he knew me... If you know, and understand the words of the song, well he's older than me... But I've had my own Maggie May moments....

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Post 5


He's older than most of us.........Hey, you're the only one to reply smiley - yikes and a smiley - somersault

I'm waiting for i) someone to come home and
ii) for the mods to end my conversations.

Anyway, how are you ? Christmas bells still ringing ?


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Post 6

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Oh yeah, my Christmas Bells are still ringing... All thanx to Justin n the lads... smiley - drool
Ok... Why you waitin' for someone to come home????? And why should the MODS end your convo's????
Well if I'm the first I deserve a smiley - stiffdrink or 6... smiley - laugh
Are you old enough to supply??? lol..

No Subject

Post 7


Hey, you sound fun smiley - yikes

Justin and the lads eh ?? smiley - winkeye

Someone is late coming home. But I'm smiley - cool not smiley - evilgrin

Mods are waiting cos I've just resigned smiley - erm from here. Hell!

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Post 8

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Well don't know nowt bout your resignation luv, but know I luv The Darkness... smiley - loveblush Even at my age... smiley - biggrinsmiley - drool

So who's home late.... My other half is watching American Pie 2 on DVD... He watched first one earlier.... smiley - laugh

No Subject

Post 9


American Pie 1 and 2 !! My other half and I enjoyed both smiley - biggrin

But hey, gotta smiley - run Yeah I know........

Catch you some other night---


PS Do you love The Darkness smiley - blush because you're +4O smiley - laugh

Or, because you're on the right side of 50 smiley - flustered

See ya babe !!

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Post 10

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

See ya..
American Pie, We got the box set... All 3 films plus bonus disc... £!9-99.....
I luv the Darkness coz they're great at wot they do... Nowt to do with age... But they are younger than me... smiley - winkeyesmiley - loveblush

No Subject

Post 11


Bye babes. You were a real smiley - chick

No Subject

Post 12

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Thanx... smiley - hugsmiley - stiffdrink
Chat soon.... smiley - musicalnote

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