This is the Message Centre for Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever


Post 1


Hello and Happy New Year and Happy Anniversary; how many years? Did you know you were meant to be together?
How do you find reading for yourself? I too read but never well for myself; I guess I'm too close to see the tree for the forest or whatever. I can be eerily accurate sometimes....that's more with palmistry though; I think I need to "feel" the person.
Well, have a wonderful weekend. Perhaps I'll hear from you.


Post 2

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Hello, and nice to meet you Morgan..
we've been married 8 years this time, but been together about 13 years.. We have a daughter aged 11 years..
I think something told me we would make a go of it somehow.. We used to fight like cat and dog in the early stages, (verbally, not physical), we both had issues to work through.. Once that was out of the way though, I realised if we could survive that and folk saying we were doomed, then we could survive anything.. I agreed to his proposal.. I set the date..
As for reading for myself, well I can do it, but it is a bit strange as I can easily twist it to be something more suitable.. I try not to though..
I am a night person myself, but unfortunately I have to re-educate my system to suit my life at the moment..
Hope to chat again soon my friend.. Take care now..
Bright blessings... x

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