This is the Message Centre for Also Ran1-hope springs eternal

Thinking of you all across the pond//

Post 1

Also Ran1-hope springs eternal

Very dear friends,

The whole of yesterday my thoughts and feelings were with all of you who live in that part of America which was ravaged by this dreadful hurricane Katrina.

It must be the most terrifying ordeal to have to live through something which is launched on one through the vagaries of Mother Nature.

I thought about the other occasions when humanity had been forced to bow and to take notice of the forces and strength of nature. I remembered, naturally, the Tsunami, and also the depredation which was caused by the volcanic eruption in Eucador some years ago.

The lesson was brought home to me that against these depredations of nature one can do nothing except help one's fellow men and pray that on this occasion we are to be spared.

But I also thought of the very first time that I had seen the effect of of human depradations agsint one another.

This was during the Gulf War. I remember sitting in front of the TV thinking

"It cannot be true. I cannot be watching humanity firing bullets and shells against one another in order to kill the other".

Alas it is all to true.

I realised that this was the difference between man's hostility and Nature's hostility.

One is anonymous and the other is personal.

Or is that simplifying it?

My thoughts and prayers go to all those who experienced this vagary of Mother Nature. I hope that you have not been too traumatised by the event.

With affection

Also Ran1 smiley - schooloffish

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Thinking of you all across the pond//

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