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Hiya Also-Ran, Shirps calling
Shirps Started conversation Mar 6, 2005
Aplogies for not getting back sooner - I have been (well, still am - hey ho!) a bit under the weather.
I wish I could have used my life better like yourself I always seemed to run into brick walls whenever trying to do something useful
At least I'm still secretary to our local art society - most of the folk are retired & as artists they are not very organised As I was a trained secretary I can keep them in semi-order
I've been doing this for the past 11 years, I think - I seem to lose count!
Anyway, I've made contact at last - take care - hear from you soon I hope.
Hiya Also-Ran, Shirps calling
Also Ran1-hope springs eternal Posted Mar 7, 2005
My dear Ships,
Well, I have just spent time getting to know you!! And you know how to make fish go round and round now!!.
I have also read the saga about your kitchen. My goodness it is a nightmare isn't it. I do hope that it is worthwhile and that you have a beautiful new kitchen. I have only got one vent in mine, but it was a NIGHTMARE whilst they were redoing the kitchen and we lived in the most dreadful mess for age.
Lately I have had to have a new heating and hot water system put in. That was difficult as we had no hot water or heating for two weeks. Fortunately it was just before the latest cold snap.
My dear, you are wonderful what you do. and having had diabetes since you were 11. I have only developed it in the last five years (so they say - I think that I have probably had it for much longer!!) YUours is obviously a type 1 diabetes. My daughter-in-law also has it.
Was it your daughter who has just graduated at Bristol University?
I send you and your husband warm greetings and to Holly a rub behind each ear.
also Ran1
Hiya Also-Ran, Shirps calling
Shirps Posted Mar 7, 2005
Good Morning
I tend to mess about with my homepage when I don't feel like doing anything else I found a link to where you can apparently "adopt a fish", but the system seems to have capsized for a while - I'll keep my eyes on it & see if the researcher wakes up
The electricians have just finished this morning, so my husband will just finish off around the extractor fan, then we can get the plasterer in & then ... we can paint the walls, get the vinyl laid & then I can begin to get my lounge back as my husband, R, fits the units - never ever again!!
Why do we choose the worst time of year to do major things to the home? Maybe it's the time that the utilities begin to "play up".
Ah, my mother & I reckon that I had diabetes for at least 2 years before it was diagnosed. I had a lot of time away from school & our (useless) GP wrote notes to the school saying "this child is suffering from exhaustion" When she finally thought of testing for sugar there was absolute panic - I was rushed to hospital as though I was going to die!!
I could go into lots of tales of diabetes in the "old days", but I would be rattling on forever Safe to say that modern day equipment & syringes, etc., are a real luxury. I am amazed at some of the things being done that are considered "new discoveries". For instance, I just read in the Balance mag. that a team from Australia are coming over to 'teach' us the 'new' method of adjusting insulin according to what we eat. My first diabetes specialist organised that for me almost from the outset: "eat what you want (within reason of course) & we'll adjust the insulin accordingly" - 30+ years ago
I have never gone in for their food fads, but have always stuck to the carbohydrate values of food - not rigidly I may add, but to give me a rough idea of what I was taking in. I have always treated the diabetes with respect, but have never let it rule my life. I have met many people recently who seem to think that their life should revolve around it, giving reasons why they can't do this or that. I think now there is a little too much psychology used in the treatment, instead of basic practicalities.
Are you & your daughter-in-law type 1 or 2?
I warned you if I started on about it I would rattle away
Yes, it was my daughter: she graduated from the University of Nottingham with a 1st in molecular cell biology & has recently received her Phd from Bristol, which was based on "in-ovo vaccines" (in chickens , which has always embarrassed her - but these things can lead on to more). She is now working on vaccines to do with infections of the respiratory system, including the lungs. Unfortunately, the lab closes in October - so she is looking around for another project or may even change career path (staying in science though).
Cross examination time: Whereabouts are you based? Do you have any animals? How did you learn to play bridge? What was your degree & which uni? (I really admire you for having done that & really quite envious )
I have rubbed Holly behind each ear on your behalf - she woofed "thank you"
Preferences: or
at this time of the morning?
I'll send a little slice of to keep you going till lunch
It's regards from him & it's regards from me
Hiya Also-Ran, Shirps calling
Shirps Posted Apr 6, 2005
Hello there
I haven't heard back from you & just wondered if you are ?
Maybe you just do not want to speak to me
Seriously though, I DO hope all is fine with you.
Hiya Also-Ran, Shirps calling
Also Ran1-hope springs eternal Posted Apr 6, 2005
Thanks so much shirps for a wonderful letter. I thought you had abandoned me!! I obviously missed your post.
Please forgive me if I I have been downloading a lot of information about new legislation. The local SS want to send a carer assessor to interview me - it is the third time that they are doing it. I keep telling them that they should use their precious trained staff to care for our unfortunate offspring who are ill. But NO !! Back they come and send me someone else. I think that ever since I refused to evict my son they have been angry and just want to wear me down.
So I must get strength and not let them do it!!.
Well done to your daughter. I shall answer all your questions in the next day or so.A scratch behind each ear to your hound!!
With affection
Christiane(Also Ran1)
Hiya Also-Ran, Shirps calling
Shirps Posted Apr 6, 2005
Thanks, Holly appreciated the fuss! Especially as she was told-off for attacking the post today
Look forward to hearing from you. Just keep the SS at bay(onet)
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Hiya Also-Ran, Shirps calling
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