This is the Message Centre for Also Ran1-hope springs eternal
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abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein Started conversation Feb 5, 2005
A search for the link keeps saying cannot be found
Though I recieve emails I have stopped using the links within them.
I am wondering if that is why I have gotten worms and such. I read in the computer safety info it is risky. I"ll start to be more careful in that way .I do all the other suggested things- virus + +spyware+ firewalls..
I would be interested to know if you can access this site.
It is a thorn in the side of conservatives but not so far left as they would have you believe. You will see Republicans quoted in pisitive light at times.
I included the seperate links for examples of the action groups for speaking out effectively to the people that can affect policy. It helps bring hope for changes. I get their emails which are the same pages as the second link which are hard to read some days. Hope and action is needed. I first ran across them when the law was changing to allow larger media conglomerates following links from the science christian monitor http://www.csmonitor. You should be able to get to them and they are fair and respected *without any preaching
About links
Also Ran1-hope springs eternal Posted Feb 9, 2005
Thank you my
I got through to the first three links but not the cs/monitor. But I have got through before. It is the NY Times and one other one which you recommened which wanted me to register, and then asked me for my address, and of course my UK postcode is not accepted, so that is that.
I have had a naughty day. I have been talking to all my friends and enjoying the hootoo chat. And met a few new friends. Tomorrow I must be serious and hardworking and do some work!!
Much affection, and enjoy your evening. I am soon off to bed!!
Also Ran1
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