This is the Message Centre for Also Ran1-hope springs eternal
Happy New Year AR1
abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein Started conversation Jan 1, 2005
Just popping in to wish you a Happy New Year AR1
I hope you will have your new and improved chair soon if not already.
Best Wishes to your son.
When you have a moment I'd like ot hear how he is doing. I saw you had a nice Christmas together
My computer is iffy....
Happy New Year AR1
Also Ran1-hope springs eternal Posted Jan 1, 2005
Hi dear abbi,
Thank you so much for your good wishes. We are both on line together, so let us have a lovely cup of coffee together - have a nice hot croissant, and seal our friendship with a promise to do all we can to further our beliefs for a loving and sharing world.
These last few weeks have been so unblievably traumatic and hurtful to so many. Although we have lived far from the centre of this major catastrophe let us promise to do all we can to bring everyone closer together and caring for one another.
Hopefully we shall be able to seal this promise in your wonderful nature reserve in Colorado!!.
May we never lose our dream of a a loving just society emerging on this earth. I heard today that there is a Thai word which loosely means "outpouring of the heart".Something to strive for I am sure.
I salute you my dear friend. May you be be granted many more years of seeking out and exposing injustice in our long suffering societies.
With much affectiona.
|Your loving friend
Also Ran1
Happy New Year AR1
abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein Posted Jan 1, 2005
Thank you AR1
I salute you!
I have written about the disaster and read your thoughts and wishes along with others. It is overwhelming and I am hoping some good will come of it. When I think of how hard it was to lose 7 relatives in 14 months it cannot compare to the devastation of losing your whole family in one day through such trauma Losing children has to be the worst pain of all.
I am afraid my dreaming has been mistaken for more
I did go to a walkway that I wrote about (WOW) but I assure you it is only a small start to wheelchair access. I started a travel thread for wheelchairs but there has been no posts. I added what I knew about and hoped that more would come through the experience of others.
I know of a few short trails but they are few and far between(300-1000 miles or more between!)
There was an act passed through congress in 1995 to make more areas accessable and some things got started but the money was cut. The true wilderness areas are off limits of course due to consideration for the wild they will not build walkways or anything.
When I wrote about WOW - Wilderness on wheels it was a day of desperation to get into nature further than a parking lot or roadside. It is the best here in this state but certainly not worth a trip across the sea. I regret to say the opportunities are extremly limited.
The other places I have found during infrequent past cross country travel. I always look into all the parks for access.
Sorry for any misunderstanding.
Of course I am looking forward to getting my own backyard in shape again so that I have my own mini eco-system pretty and healthy
DeMyelin Nation on h2g2 - link on my pagehas the wheelchair travel thread if you want to look or add.
General info about how accessable your general area and available transportation is might be nice. Also any place you have been that was good for wheelchairs.
Happy New Year AR1
Also Ran1-hope springs eternal Posted Jan 2, 2005
Thank you my dear abbi.
Well No of course I was not going to be disappointed, but I do believe that that this website is about trying to make some dreams come true!!
So I shall now set about finding out allI can about facilites on this side of the pond!!
All good wishes for 2005
also Ran1
Happy New Year AR1
abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein Posted Jan 2, 2005 or this if you are not classic user F105873?thread=483411 It has taken hours of computer use to do very little. Freezing
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Happy New Year AR1
- 1: abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein (Jan 1, 2005)
- 2: Also Ran1-hope springs eternal (Jan 1, 2005)
- 3: abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein (Jan 1, 2005)
- 4: Also Ran1-hope springs eternal (Jan 2, 2005)
- 5: abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein (Jan 2, 2005)
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