This is the Message Centre for Also Ran1-hope springs eternal

A message from an old fish

Post 1


Hello there, Also Ran! I've been very bad at keeping in touch with my h2g2 friends. Work is busy and my girls are hard at studies. It's a big exam year for them both. I see you've had family over and it sounds like a good time for all. Is K settled where he is now? Life must be very different for you both these days.

I wanted to ask about your stories from SA. Is there any one thread such as a journal, on here where you have written about it? Or have you considered writing more, perhaps on a Guide entry page rather than a journal entry? I ask because I work with a very charming South African gentlemen and I was telling him about h2g2 and the people here.
smiley - bluefish

A message from an old fish

Post 2

Also Ran1-hope springs eternal

My so dear coelecanthsmiley - bluefish

It was sooooo good to have your news. I often think of you and wonder how you are getting on.

So the girls are starting their final gallop now. I hope that they are enjoying it. Have they any idea of what they want to do. I wonder? How are you keeping my dear?

Keep well, and I hope that you are well settled in now.

With much affection

also Ran1 smiley - schooloffish

A message from an old fish

Post 3


We're all very well, thank you. smiley - ok

The house is much the same as when I moved in, I just don't seem to have the funds to make my own mark on the rooms just yet, but I'd rather wait and get it how I want it, even if it takes a while longer.

Yes, a final gallop for both girls, but in different directions. Sunshine is going to study forensics for her degree, she does a lot of sciences. Moonlight is dramatic, she loves acting and writing, but does philosophy too.

Brrr it's cold! smiley - brr I hope you can stay warm? Did you have any more thoughts about moving elsewhere? How is K?
smiley - bluefish

A message from an old fish

Post 4

Also Ran1-hope springs eternal

Very dear coeloecanth smiley - bluefish

Thank you so much for updating me on your news. I can understand that it takes some time to look at one's surroundings and decide how and in what colours one should surround oneself!!. I am amused at the way I have returned time and again to the time tested colours. For instance in the first house that we ever built in Harare back in 1952 one of our dining room walls I chose gentian blue!!.

So after five years in this flat what have I had one of the walls of my living room painted is - gentian blue!!

In one of my houses in Cape town, I chose a sort of pumpkin/melon colour for my kitchen.
So what do I do here in my flat in Sevenoaks - pumpkin/melon is the colour chosen with the most wonderful tiles to match. As you can see I like bright colours!!

Forensic science sounds interesting - but....I do not think it is is my choice. thank goodness all of us are different.

Now I am really interested in philosophy. I wonder if she has been "grabbed" by a particular philosopher yet? My little Willoughby pug in Cape Town was called JJ - short for Jean Jacques Rousseau!!.

With affection

Also ran1 smiley - schooloffish

A message from an old fish

Post 5


I don't think Moonlight has a favourite philospher just yet but she really does love the subject. However she wants to do drama too. What a choice!

smiley - scientistSunshine is getting very excited about uni and can't wait until September. Of course she still has to pass the exams. smiley - book

I love the sound of those bright colours of yours. Do they take you back to your days in Cape Town? I hope you do get to meet the Captain. He was born in Jo'burg and has told me many stories of his life in SA.

I hope you are well and warm?
smiley - bluefish

A message from an old fish

Post 6


Just bumping this back up. Are you still enjoying the hot water and a warm house?
smiley - bluefish

A message from an old fish

Post 7

Also Ran1-hope springs eternal

Very dear Coelecanth and Mr. Captain,

Lovely to hear from you. Yes I am as warm as toast and clean as a whistle!!.

Actually I had not realised how much the hot water did for me every day in the way of being pain relieving therapy. So now I am back onto having a good hot bath every day.

K and I are hoping to go to Cape Town next January /February. It is a lovely time of the years - the grapes are being harvested, the wine is good, the fruit is out of this world and crayfish and abalone abound. And of course there is the sun and the sea. My nephew who is a professor in dermatology at a University is going to Cape Town on sabbatical and I have prepared a little list of things to do and places to go to. It made me quite homesick.

With great affection

Also Ran1 smiley - schooloffish

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