This is the Message Centre for Also Ran1-hope springs eternal
Which one
scorp Started conversation Apr 4, 2007
Afternoon AR1
Thought I'd drop by here so as not to much up Websailor's thread.
What concert are you going to?
Which one
Also Ran1-hope springs eternal Posted Apr 6, 2007
My dear scorpio,
So sorry I did not see your thread yesterday. How kind of you to ask.
I went to a concert given by the BBC Symphony Orchestra conducted by some Czeck condutor with an unprounounceable name. It was a work of Mahler with two choirs as well.
It lasted two hours!! I loved it, and the cherry on the top was the fact that the researcher who recommended it to me, came up and introuduced both he and his wife. That was super.
I was desolated to read that he loathed the the interpretation of the work.!!. Obviously he knows the work well and knows a lot about music. However I absolutely loved it, and if you read the two entries about Mahler at the Barbican you will see my assessment and his assessment. I regret that for the moment I will not change - althoughI agree that it was very long.
Are you doing anything exciting for Easter? I have nmy burnt hand to look after. also rather disturbing news about the state of my son's lungs after an Xray which he did not want to have but did have.
My late husband used to to say
"It never rains but it ;ours"
He had many other idioms, but this one seems very apt at the moment.
Keep well, and my apologies for my dlayed reply.
Very sincerely,
Christiane AR1
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