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Good morning
Also Ran1-hope springs eternal Posted Feb 4, 2007
Hi wandring star,
Sorry I have only come across your nice Good morning. I occasionally wake up at about 4 a.m. and if I am up to it and the house is warm enough then I get up and after a cup of tea try and get onto my computer.
What a grandmother's party you had!!/ Where on earth do you live!! I can only think it is Hong |Kong.Regards
Good morning
Wand'rin star Posted Feb 5, 2007
I teach English at a University in Hong Kong, having previously done the same in Switzerland, Ethiopia, Malawi, Lesotho, Cameroon, Shanghai, Sydney and Bulgaria (in that ordeer. Next week I am going to Ireland for the Chinese New Year Holiday to meet the newest member of our family, who will be 3 weeks old by the time I meet him Good morning again!
Good morning
Also Ran1-hope springs eternal Posted Feb 5, 2007
Hi wandring star
Good morning to you - but of course it is the afternoon.
I am so pleased that I guessed right!! You see, two of my children lived in Hong Kong and four of my grandchildren were born in Hong Kong!!. I spent two months with my daughter when my first granddaughter was born. They had a huge flat in Cloudview road. I also did a Chinese cookery course. My son, who used to work for Jardine Mathesen, lived in Repluse Bay and I went sailing with him in Stanley Bay.
Oh those were the days!!
And now I am stuck in a wheelchair, and receiving lovely emails from - wait for it - the town where I really was so happy and felt so happy. I used to take the ferry from Hong Kong to Kowloon and have actually stayed on it for an extra few rides because I enjoyed it so much. Now of course they have the tunnel.
Oh I could go on. What an amazing number of places you have been to.
Congratulations on your new grandchild. I wish I lived in Ireland then I could meet you in RL. But it is great having you a a super new virtual friend!1.
Have a good day - or evening!!.
Christiane AR1
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Good morning
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