This is the Message Centre for Also Ran1-hope springs eternal

Merry Christmas Christiane AR1 !

Post 1


Hello dear Christiane AR1 smiley - schooloffish!! Merry Christmas! I just want to thank you for your friendship! I know this is a sad time for you but still I send you prayers and best wishes for the future!


Merry Christmas Christiane AR1 !

Post 2


Hello AR1! I hope you get this message sometime! Since it's time, I want to wish you a wonderful 2007 as well!


Merry Christmas Christiane AR1 !

Post 3

Also Ran1-hope springs eternal

Very dear Willem,

How incredibly kind of you to send me your charming Christmas message. Yes, it was a very sad time. I had cared for him for the last fourteen years as he is like you and K. and also suffers from the same illness. I visited him every day at the hospital which is twenty miles away for the last 18 days. He was unconscious but occasionally would respond by raising his left hand slightly when I asked him a question. He had a massive stroke and was paralysed down one side of his body and would also have lost his power of speech. I know it is better for him as he would have found it impssobie to live dependent on others.

You have written a wonderful article on biodiverwsity. Jy is so slim ou kerel!!

With much affection and thank you again for your friendship.

Christiane AR1 smiley - schooloffish

Merry Christmas Christiane AR1 !

Post 4

Also Ran1-hope springs eternal

Very dear Willem,

I have only just found your lovely Christmas greetings to me. Thank you for being so thoughtful. It is really charming of you.

It was a very sad time as I had cared for him for fourteen years and he was ten years younger than I am. He had a massive stroke adn apparently stopped breathing for ten minutes. so when Isaw him first he was on a ventilator and I thought he was going to go straight away. I visited him every day for 18 days, and although he never regained consciousness he would sometimes seem to hear me when I asked him a question. I asked him to raise his left hand if he could hear me. he is the first of the siblings to go. It has left a big gap in our lives.

You have written a wonderful article on biodiversity. Jy is baie slim ou kerel!!

With much affection and thank you for your lovely good wishes.

Your friend Christiane AR1 smiley - schooloffish

Merry Christmas Christiane AR1 !

Post 5


Thank you very much Christiane AR1 smiley - schooloffish for reading the stuff I write! And ongoing best wishes to you and your loved ones. And thank you for YOUR friendship!


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