This is the Message Centre for Also Ran1-hope springs eternal
Phred Knocking
Phred Firecloud Started conversation Dec 14, 2006
Hi Christiane,
I hope you are doing well and that your brother is better. Please drop me a note and let me know how you are doing.
I see you received an additional advanced degree in your seventies...that's inspiring..
Best wishes,
Phred Knocking
Also Ran1-hope springs eternal Posted Feb 4, 2007
Hi Phred,
Have just found your note of the 6th. Sadly my brother David died on the 18th of December. It has been a really difficult two months. He was ten years younger than I and I felt it was so sad that he should go before me.
No my friend. I received my Masters degree in 1980. I then did three years study towards my doctorate, but as soon as I chose a subject ( which was in African Government Law) the law would be changed. When my husband died in 1986, I gave up and just devoted myself to doing research for the ANC. That was when my Masters thesis was actually placed in the places I told you about ages ago.
Now I can hardly get myself to sit down and write. Hope I am not going to suffer from Dementia!!
Horrid thought.
Kind regards to you two and a happy New Year to you and your family.
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Phred Knocking
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