This is the Message Centre for Also Ran1-hope springs eternal
CAlling Friends of AlsoRan1
Websailor Started conversation Nov 4, 2006
Yesterday I received a card and message from AlsoRan1 (Christiane) to say Hoo Too is again asking her to change her password. This she will not do as it is special to her, which means she can remember it.
She appears to have given up on Hoo Too, so if any of her many friends can help please do so. I am at a loss to know why she keeps having problems, though I had similar one at one time.
I shall be ringing her in the next day or two, and will pass on any messages. If she can't even get her own PS up to read, I will print off and send to her your thoughts.
I know you will miss her input as I will,
CAlling Friends of AlsoRan1
Also Ran1-hope springs eternal Posted Nov 7, 2006
Very dear Websailor,
Well, thank you so much my dear. I got a message from the validation team saying that my password had been restored. So here's hopiung I do not get asked to change it again. It was so good to talk to you again.
You must do what you want with the pressie!! It's yours!!.
very much affection.
Cannot sleep!! Sadly no badgers to watch!!.
Christiane AlsoRan1
CAlling Friends of AlsoRan1
Websailor Posted Nov 7, 2006
I am so glad you are back with us. I do hope this will settle it for good and you have no more problems.
I am sorry you can't sleep. Perhaps you can find something on the internet to watch. I always read if I can't sleep and usually end up dropping the book with a which does not go down well with hubbie!!
CAlling Friends of AlsoRan1
Also Ran1-hope springs eternal Posted Nov 7, 2006
Oh dear!!, I forgot to post my reply!!
Tonight Hypatia is being interviewed on Radio 5 (nightime version of Radio Kent) by Roddy sharpe. It is on the US elections . Sadly I do not know her real name so I shall have to wait up all night and listen in!!.From 1 a,m. onwards!!
You will have to choose
Badgers or Hypatia!!
Thanks you again so much.
Christiane AR1
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CAlling Friends of AlsoRan1
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