This is the Message Centre for Also Ran1-hope springs eternal

Thank you for a lovely day!

Post 1

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

My dear Christiane,

Did you receive my e-mails? I sent you a couple with some of the the photos from Hever Castle.

How was the weekend?

Lot of smiley - love

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Thank you for a lovely day!

Post 2

Also Ran1-hope springs eternal

Very dear ZSF. big smiley - hug

Thank you I did. But my so-and-so email has gone off again and I have been sitting here moping,

It was so good to see the two of you and I think that little smiley - fish has grown up so much and si so much for confident. Well done to you.

We are mooching along. I had hopes of perhaps going to meet some cousins for lunch in France next week but I somehow think that it is not going to work out.

Otherwise still trying to get things done and have decided to have several containers and design an alpine garden instead of all my large pots. I would be better able to cope with it then.

thank you for the lovely photographs and also the letter of that marvellous Quaker. With regard to the alpine -growing, I have a fewalready and was thrilled to see that I have two open gentian flowers which also has five buds on it. There are also some lovely little Alpine that have "voluteered" and I am going out just now to see if the flower bud has opened. That is a real thrill.

Soon you will have you camping holiday. I hope that you have super weather.

With much smiley - love to you both

Christianesmiley - schooloffish

Thank you for a lovely day!

Post 3

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

My dear Christiane,

I'm so happy that you received the photos - I was afraid you might not. And the letter - wasn't it wonderful - it's about the most moving love letter I've ever heard (I first heard it read out loud). Sad that he was killed a week later. More to day, but I must get on with unloading my shopping and preparing a meal.

Much smiley - love to you and K.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

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