This is the Message Centre for Also Ran1-hope springs eternal

Greetings Also Ran, from Gnomon

Post 1

Gnomon - time to move on

Hi Also Ran. I'm glad to see you're back on h2g2. Did you get all your problems sorted out? You contacted me at one stage under a different name. I don't know whether you wanted to change your name or whether this was because you had been locked out of your Also Ran account.

If you do want to change your name, you can do it by clicking on Preferences in the left margin. But if you do that, nobody will know who you are, so I advise you to put (formerly Also Ran) in your new name if you do decide to go that direction.

Thanks for your greetings a week or so ago. I should have responded sooner, but I had just left h2g2 in despair, because I couldn't find anything interesting here anymore, or anyone to talk to. I'm back now in a more limited capacity.

The family had a great time in Greece. You can see all my public photos at but you won't be able to see any of my family in those pictures as you will have to be registered on that website and nominated as one of my friends before you can see them. I don't know if I'll get around to writing a detailed account of my trip to Greece this year.

Greetings Also Ran, from Gnomon

Post 2

Also Ran1-hope springs eternal

Very dear Gnoman smiley - wah

I do not want to change my name!!!

It is only because I do stupid things and then lock myself out of everything that I get asked by the powers that be to

Change my,
tell me I need a new password.
tell me that need a new name
tell me that it is not my password
tell me that it is not my name

I have no idea who designed this site or it's safety features, but goodness me, I know that I am ignorant when it comes to dealing with modern technology ( I dealt far better with it when it was in it's infancy in the 70's and could design programmes and cope with DBase 3 and 4,) than now, when I keep getting horrid messages like
A Fatal Error has occurred etc. etc.

I am quite happy with the name which you gave me, thank you kind sir, " smiling alsoRan1", when you put me back on line two years ago.

Unfortunately my computer gave up this time. In fact it was attacked by aliens who came from China!! a relative had been there and do you know that someone traced the whole "attack" from China across theseas and the continent where he lives to my little ole home in the UK.
and people complain about having ID cards.Honestly!!

I know I am not as brainy, or musical, or anything as you - although you do go to where they grow the wonderful globe artichokes in Ireland - near where they make the crystal - but I shall miss youdreadfully smiley - sadface if you leave.
In fact I shall miss you a heck of a lot dear boy - now that I am old enough to be your mother - possibly even grandmother I can say such outrageous things quite openly and frankly.

Before my computer was attacked by aliens you asked for info about Instanbul. Well I was all ready to tell you about our visit there in 1971 when
Wham!! Bam!!
China got me!!

I am pleased that you are taking an interest in our reproductive processes. I think your sage, sound advice would do the young a lot of good!!

Greetings to the musical family - I hope that you heard the Young British Musicians 2006 last week. What incredible talent -they were phenomenal.

I was pleased that the one that I picked, Mark Simpson, a clarinettist won. He was sublime, and so incredibly humble and charming.

Defintely a choice as a partner to your two lovely girls.
I am sorry that you cannot put me down as a friend so that I can share the your photographs with you.!!! Is it because one has to pay for them, or because you do not count me as a friend.?

This screed should keep you going for some time.

Kind regards

Christiane/CMM AR1 smiley - schooloffish

Greetings Also Ran, from Gnomon

Post 3

Gnomon - time to move on

To look at my personal photos, you need a yahoo account. You don't have to pay anything for this account, but you do need to have one.

If you already have a yahoo account, I should be able to nominate you as a friend.

If you haven't already got one, I should be able to set one up for you and send you the password.

Greetings Also Ran, from Gnomon

Post 4

Also Ran1-hope springs eternal

Dear Gnoman,

Thank you very much. If you could set up a Yahoo account that would be great. I suppose that all my family abroad would be able to send their photographs to me via that way - which would be great. I know that my neice in the USA has an account with some firm but I have to pay for the photos that is why I asked about whether I should pay.

Just heard that K. has been accepted for an Art and Design course at a nearby College of Education. What a total thrill. We have been thinking about it for about 18 months and then he had his interview in February and since then we have just been living in hope.

What a joy if he could eventually take his place in society. Then I can, die in peace. I am not being morbid but that has been such a worry. Mind you I still have a lot to do before that happens!!

Kind regards and thank you

Christiane Ar1 smiley - schooloffish

Greetings Also Ran, from Gnomon

Post 5

Gnomon - time to move on

I've set up a yahoo account and a flickr account for you, and sent you the details in an e-mail. I hope I got everything right. Let me know here if you have any problems.

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