This is the Message Centre for Also Ran1-hope springs eternal
Extremely Best Birthday Wishes
scorp Started conversation May 22, 2006
Hello Christiane - AR1
I hope that you have a truly wonderful Birthday tomorrow! I still do not know where to go for the 'over the tree top walk' but if there is no link, then I will certainly be with you 'in spirit' Have a happy Birthday and many happy returns.
Extremely Best Birthday Wishes
Also Ran1-hope springs eternal Posted May 23, 2006
Very dear new friend scorpio,
Thank you for your lovely greetings.
there are still a lot of things I have to learn to do.
1. Learn how to make a link, so that my virtual aspirations can connect with my RL ones!!
For my 75th birthday bash, which was a fancy Dress Party (I went as a virtual mermaid, with a new vulcanized tail which I had specially ordered in the USA and had covered with the most beautiful iridiscent scales), found me getting quietly sloshed on champagne in my own home, whilst my 250 guests, desperately tried to find out where they could join in the fun!!. I was mortified the next morning when I found this out.
And I still have not learnt. The two guests who frightened me the most were the one who came as a spider and the other one as a web!!,(from different parts of the world!!) fortunately I downloaded all the wonderful post before my computer crashed so I have a wonderful record of this party!!
Pheloxi helped me out and gave me a second birthday party the following week called "In a Rose Garden" where he did all the technological work. Unfortunately I have not yet heard from abbi - I do hope she is well.
Anyway, there is still oodless of time to learn - I hope.
I have told Shea what we are doing today, so will end now. Lots to do.
with much affection
Extremely Best Birthday Wishes
scorp Posted May 24, 2006
Morning Dear Friend
Right - let's see if we can find what you are looking for shall we?
When you go to your own 'my space' section, you first get the list of 'my conversations' and you think to yourself, now where is that posting between myself and Scorpio? 'cos its not there is it? No!!
So trundle merrily down to the bottom of that list and you arrive happily at the section entitled 'My Messages' now you look down that list till you come to the one called Extremely Best Birthday Wishes. Click on that and lo and behold, you should (if I've done this right) find just the very thing . If you then click on that one, it should put you to the last post for you to reply.
See if it works.
The other thing was links wasn't it? If you want to create a link for others you just type in exactly what you would type if you were visiting any web site. You must start with (http://www.) the bit in brackets was just an example of how to start any link), followed by whatever else is appropriate - try this one
If it has been done correctly it should be underlined and in blue. Click on the blue line and it will take you (link you) to the virtual site. If it works, you should get a web cam picture of birds feeding on a bird feeder, at a place called Denbury Farm in Somerset - the camera changes at night-time to show Badgers foraging for food. You might enjoy it.
Let me know how you get on.
Extremely Best Birthday Wishes
Also Ran1-hope springs eternal Posted May 24, 2006
Thank you scorpio for your birthday song.
It was beautifully sung and I enjoyed it all!!
At the Chinese restaurant yesterday I was bowled over when the two members of staff still on duty at 3 30 p.m. brought out a little birthday cake with a candel, and then the Chinese gentleman burst into a loud, very bass, redition of Happy birthday!. He was stumped when it came to my name so I filled it in. My very English frinds were rather surprised at the the spontaneity but |I must admit that I had tears in my eyes. It was so kind of them to join in the festivities. I was deeply touched.
with affection
Christiane Ar1
Extremely Best Birthday Wishes
Also Ran1-hope springs eternal Posted May 24, 2006
Hi my friend,
well I tried it and unfortunately I got a message saying the page cannot be found. I tried again, and got the same message. As this is a borrowed computer maybe there is something funny about it. I shall ask my ffriend to transfer all my birthday post and then see where we go. it sounds a marvellous link., I though that "virtual" meant that the idea, linkg, place whatever only existed in the imagination.? so when you asked me for the link, I suddenly thought that maybe abbi had made up the walkway above the trees Did you mean me to find the link with abbi when we talked about it.? the problem is that it will be on my computer which is being upgraded. If I can find that, and the long discussion that we had about our walk abve the forest I shall try and work out how to send you the link - I hope!!
Mind is now turning to jelly, so bonne nuit!!
Christiane AR1
Extremely Best Birthday Wishes
scorp Posted May 25, 2006
Dear Christiane - c'est Bonjour maintenant!
Such a wonderful gesture from the Chinese people wasn't it? I am so glad you enjoyed a happy day.
Yes I did mean a link of the type I demonstrated. If you like I could always ask Abi; but it's not a problem.
Decided to have a lie-in today - in the event I couldn't sleep and still got up at 6:00am
Will and make myself a coffee now.
Take care
Speak soon
Extremely Best Birthday Wishes
Also Ran1-hope springs eternal Posted May 25, 2006
Hi my dear friend,
I hope that you enjoyed your lie in. 6 a.m. is very early. It is when I like toget up as well. I am much better in the morning. I shall look up abbi'spost to me about this walkway when I get my upgraded computer back - probably this weekend.
Have a happy day. I see that you live in Somerset. I had my 70th birthday party in Somerset! My children rented a home near Wellington for the weekend and twenty members of my family came from afar Africa,Amercia and Europe in order to celebrate it. What a weekend. It was glorious.
go well,
Christiane AR1
Extremely Best Birthday Wishes
scorp Posted May 25, 2006
Actually, I live in Derbyshire!
The web cam for Somerset was I think, provided by Prof and I like it.
Extremely Best Birthday Wishes
Also Ran1-hope springs eternal Posted May 25, 2006
Oh dear , my mistake!!
I really have no idea about the counties. I am sure that there is a map that I can look at.I shall do that immediately and hopefully will be able to print it when I get MY jazzed up computer back.
I believe that the first person/friend I ever met on h2g2 lived in Derbyshire. That was nearly six years ago. I have been lost, had to have a new number, name (I became AR1 - before that I was plain AR so I have been "rescued" by wonderful friends) etc. etc. but still keep coming back. Like a bad penny!!
Don't forget that there are in them thar hills in Derbyshire!!
Extremely Best Birthday Wishes
Also Ran1-hope springs eternal Posted May 25, 2006
Oh dear , my mistake!!
I really have no idea about the counties. I am sure that there is a map that I can look at.I shall do that immediately and hopefully will be able to print it when I get MY jazzed up computer back.
I believe that the first person/friend I ever met on h2g2 lived in Derbyshire. That was nearly six years ago. I have been lost, had to have a new number, name (I became AR1 - before that I was plain AR so I have been "rescued" by wonderful friends) etc. etc. but still keep coming back. Like a bad penny!!
Don't forget that there are in them thar hills in Derbyshire!!
Extremely Best Birthday Wishes
scorp Posted May 25, 2006
I like bad pennies.
Also, I don't know about but we certainly have wallabies. Incidentally, where are you?
Extremely Best Birthday Wishes
Also Ran1-hope springs eternal Posted Jun 10, 2006
What a wonderful surprise Galaxie Babe.
Thank you so much.
I am over the having encountered two quite wonderful people through the Post.
What joy.
With affection
Christiane AR1
PS I see tht through Brunel we can find out when we joined.
Can you help me find it please? I would be so grateful. P
Extremely Best Birthday Wishes
Also Ran1-hope springs eternal Posted Jun 10, 2006
So sorry my dear Scorpio, I missed this enquiry.
I am in Sevenoaks, Kent, but I lived for the first 65 years of my life in Africa and Zimbabwe. After I came to England and after emergency open heart surgery, I lived in Shrewsbury which I absolutely loved. I was fortunate in that, as my surgery was an emergency, my South African Medical Aid paid for it! Otherwise these last twelve years would have been spent - well somewhere else!!.
I was able to go to the most wonderful concerts every week in Birmingham and Sir Simon Rattle (he was plaing Simon Rattle then ) was still the resident conductor.
Also I met and made wonderful friends in Shrewsbury. It was also the home town of Percy Thrower whom I had the pleasure of meeting back in the 1960's when I came to Chelsea Flower show.I was still living in Zim then (although it was still called Rhodesia)
Go well ,
Christiane AR1
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Extremely Best Birthday Wishes
- 1: scorp (May 22, 2006)
- 2: scorp (May 23, 2006)
- 3: Also Ran1-hope springs eternal (May 23, 2006)
- 4: scorp (May 24, 2006)
- 5: Also Ran1-hope springs eternal (May 24, 2006)
- 6: Also Ran1-hope springs eternal (May 24, 2006)
- 7: scorp (May 25, 2006)
- 8: Also Ran1-hope springs eternal (May 25, 2006)
- 9: scorp (May 25, 2006)
- 10: Also Ran1-hope springs eternal (May 25, 2006)
- 11: Also Ran1-hope springs eternal (May 25, 2006)
- 12: scorp (May 25, 2006)
- 13: Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor (Jun 10, 2006)
- 14: Also Ran1-hope springs eternal (Jun 10, 2006)
- 15: Also Ran1-hope springs eternal (Jun 10, 2006)
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