This is the Message Centre for Also Ran1-hope springs eternal
Phred Calling
Phred Firecloud Started conversation Jan 30, 2006
I've been reading your personal space and journal.
Almost wish I could could have been there with you to see that autogyro take off.
The secret to snorkeling is to relax and not work hard. Otherwise you get a carbon dioxide buildup and feel claustrophobic.
My military experience that you inquired about was in the USAF. I wrote a little story about it. A5969424 A Navigator's Log (UG)
It is just before dawn here in Tampa, Florida. The weather is warm and there is a gentle rain falling, so my plans to paint outside need rethinking.
Have a good day....
Phred Calling
Also Ran1-hope springs eternal Posted May 18, 2006
Dear Phred,
Have just found your kind note to me written in January about the autogyro!!..It is now the 18th May,2006. and I have been reading your "escapades" and wondering how on earth I met this nice person!!. Now I know!
Unfortunately my computer has been playing up and the guy who is upgrading it has just lost his brother, very sadly, to Ca of the lungs, and so is busy with all those arrangements.
I see that you are enjoying your retirement. Please do not go swimming in any lakes, water or anything like that in Florida. I was horrified to see the number of people who have ben taken by "alligators" in your part of the world. It really is dreadful.
Watched the new Airbus 830 landing today at Heathrow. what a marvel of engineering, but I wonder if I would have the courage to fly in it.
I wish you well, and hope to hear from you sometime.
Very sincerely,
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Phred Calling
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