This is the Message Centre for Also Ran1-hope springs eternal


Post 1

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Hi AR1.
I know you have been busy with other things going on you have not wanted to talk about.
I just wanted to wish you well.

We have not talked in a long while.
I understand h2 is not always possible for various reasons.
I wanted to check in with you ,one on one, to ask if I have offended you. I would want to know.

Happy Trailssmiley - musicalnote


Post 2

Also Ran1-hope springs eternal

Dearest abbi,big smiley - hug

Have just found your note written in January,2006.
My dear sweet friend. I was without a working computer for nearly three months. I had quite given up. then I "came to" in a slightly changed fashion on a borrowed computer whilst mine was being upgraded. I found you straight away, and saw that twinnie was coming to visit you. I wrote to you but suppose that in the maze of post you receive you have not received it.

Dear abbi, can we go for a virtual wheelchair walk next Tuesday 23rd May 2006. It is going to be my 78th birthday, and if we do not do it soon we shall both miss out. I remember that you were telling me about somewhere in the Colorado mountains, and that the walkway for wheelchairs is above the trees which sounds quite wonderful.

I think it sounds a great idea so do hope that you will be free and then we can solve the problems of the world. which is pretty sad at the moment although it seems that some people are waking up.

Was deeply saddened to get a telephone call this morning, from a friend of mine in South Africa telling me that things were really quite horrific there. And I thought they had solved all their problems peacefully.

are we really intent on blowing ourselves up?
It looks like it.

Much affection, and looking forward to hearing from you.I'll bring the picnic tea. I wonder if you like meiringues with fresh cream? I think I shall have a Pavlova birthday cake. It should stand the travelling very well!!.

christiane Ar1 smiley - schooloffish

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