This is the Message Centre for Also Ran1-hope springs eternal
just lurking around
scorp Started conversation Nov 25, 2005
Hi Also Ran1
Just having a quick lurke - and spotted you on one of the threads I visited recently, so I thought I'd drop by with some homemade and
in case you were ready for a break.
I can't remember now if I saw you on Websailor's badger thread or a birdie one with Smudger; but you sounded like a birdie type person, as I am, so hello and hope to speak to you on threads various.
Do feel free to drop by my PS whenever you are passing.
just lurking around
Also Ran1-hope springs eternal Posted May 18, 2006
My dear scoprio
What a lovely letter. I am so sorry that I missed it. Had problems with my comuter for about three months. Fortunately a very kind friend has loaned me one so am working at half speed at the monent,
You must have thought me very rude not to reply - but I did not hear or see your lovely call.
anyway, now we have met and you must also come on a virtual walk to colorado next tuesday 23rd May 2006 when I shall be 78!1. abbi invited me ages ago but I am sure that she will not mind if we choose to have a virtual party (both of us in wheelchairs!!) with her!1.
I read your entry. Fascinating!.,
Much affection
Christiane AR1
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just lurking around
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