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To AR1, from Waz
Also Ran1-hope springs eternal Posted Dec 5, 2006
Hi dear Waz, That was an inspired choice, Thank you.
Now I know why I lose you every now and againl. YOu are delving and digging away at those precious gems which you are finding in the UG. Wish I could write like that.
Years ago, soon after I first joined h2g2. Hypatia's name was given to me because I had said that I had no imagination. She was going to try and lead me to reading which would help me.
Well, I still think I have no imagination, but boy can I respect and honour it when I see it. And langsandy is so gifted. I, (naturally!!!)_, being a pragmatist went to her/his homepage. And found nothing which could tell me where s/he lived, did or whatever.
I think however, that I have solved a problem. Those with imagination live it and through living it, can express it so delicately and mystically that it becomes reality.
Those beautiful gulls lived for me, and hopefully, through their struggles, I shall find the strength to get over this and try and complete my very prosaic biography of Barnabas.And. on so doing, give some sort of life and normality to two very special people.
Again my grateful thanks
Christiane AR1
To AR1, from Waz
LL Waz Posted Dec 5, 2006
I'm so glad you liked it. langsandy doesn't give much away - but I reckon you can see the person in the writing. I don't mean just that entry but from all of them, a picture builds up.
You have imagination alright, Christiane. I can't believe that you don't. You might not use it in your biography but those wild parties of Pandora's were real to you, in a sense, weren't they? You certainly seemed to me to live those threads. That's imagination. And you certainly write expressively - your personality comes out very clearly in your posts.
Perhaps you're putting on an academic no nonsense hat for 'proper writing'... but Barnabus might not approve of improper writing... wonder if he's watching ...
I'm keeping up with your news in your journals,
wishing you all well as soon as possible.
To AR1, from Waz
Also Ran1-hope springs eternal Posted Dec 6, 2006
Thanks my dear Waz,
Perhaps my imagination is that I believe that I am really very happy but.....!!
NO! I refuse to counter that!!
Again Dick used to say
!Another day, Another dollar!
Funny I remember all his sayings - which somehow never annoyed me or made me cross...
So perhaps I do refuse to let my imagination run riot!.
I do agree with you that langsandy is fascinating - I have not read all the entries yet.
With affection
Christiane AR1
To AR1, from Waz
LL Waz Posted Dec 24, 2006
Thinking of you Christiane. I hope the Christmas promise of peace and goodwill is there for you tomorrow.
To AR1, from Waz
Also Ran1-hope springs eternal Posted Dec 25, 2006
Thank you my dear friend,
We would have been five today - Keith, a couple who suffer from chronic mental illness and myself. We shall drink a toast to David. But, my goodness, I am so happy that at least he was not asked to live the rest of his life, paralysed and unable to communicate in speech.
That marvellous mantra
"Thy will be done"
was the one that I said most of the time when I was sitting next to him all those days that I watched with him.
Have a great Christmas. I know you will. And to your lovely family I feel very blessed to have a super friend like you.
Enjoy your Christmas lunch. Which reminds me. I had better go and start preparing it!!.
With much affection
Christiane and Keith.
To AR1, from Waz
LL Waz Posted Jan 1, 2007
"Thy will be done" can be hard to say, but there's peace in it, . From what you've said of David, life that dependent on other people, with so little of his own space, would have been very hard.
It was a good Christmas/New Year here - lots of family stuff, lots of food (nephew was well and ate like a small pony if not like a horse), some chaos, some wintery walks, and a dance to see in the new year and haggis for lunch on New Year's day.
Something you'll like - my brother gave Mum and Dad a 4ft high metal sculpture of a purple heron for the garden. The bit you'll like - it was made in Zimbabwe. It's impressive, a beautiful elegant shape, made from scrap metal. There's always hope for a place if people are making beautiful things there, don't you think?
All best wishes for 2007, I hope it's full of good things for you and Keith.
Take care, Waz.
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To AR1, from Waz
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