Journal Entries
I wanna go
Posted Aug 17, 1999
This is my first time on here in days. My Dad comes back from holiday and hogs the computer on the spurious grounds that he's doing some real work on it and he owns the computer.
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Latest reply: Aug 17, 1999
Posted Aug 11, 1999
After all the hype of the last few weeks, the eclipse was a bit of an anti-climax. I managed to see about 15 seconds of a partial eclipse about 35 minutes before the final moment before thick cloud covered everything. At 11.11, if I hadn't known there was an eclips, I would have just thiought it was about to rain heavily. (It was spotting slightly.)
I gather it wasn't much better in Cornwall, although they did have the benefit of a total eclipse so at least it got very dark. London suposedly had almost as good a time because they could actually see the sun through the clouds.
Hungary or Turkey looked the best spots to have nbeen in today.
Still it looked good on the telly. I videoed it for posterity.
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Latest reply: Aug 11, 1999
Success at last
Posted Jul 29, 1999
I finally managed to register properly, it turned out all I had to do was enable cookies. Pity I didn't find that out earlier, as I'm now registered under three different E-mail addresses. If only I knew who to tell.
Ive been fiddling around all day finding my way around this site and posting drivel everywhere (how messy)
Now all i've got to do is work out how to avoid paying the phone bill.
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Latest reply: Jul 29, 1999
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