This is the Message Centre for Blackberry Cat , if one wishes to remain an individual in the midst of the teeming multitudes, one must make oneself grotesque
Blackberry Cat , if one wishes to remain an individual in the midst of the teeming multitudes, one must make oneself grotesque Posted Oct 28, 2007
hi, there
sorry, been away on hols in Jordan
hows Essex?
Vacant_Space Posted Dec 8, 2007
Very wet and windy!! How are things with you? Jordan eh? Sounds fantastic...was it?
Blackberry Cat , if one wishes to remain an individual in the midst of the teeming multitudes, one must make oneself grotesque Posted Dec 19, 2007
Essex is wet and windy? Well at least you won't be homesick
Jordan was great. Petra was very impressive and the Jordanians are very friendly (unlike some Arab countries).
Vacant_Space Posted Jan 15, 2008
I live in a flat over looking the the summer the sea breeze is lovely but in the winter it's not so nice!!
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- 1: Vacant_Space (Oct 25, 2007)
- 2: Blackberry Cat , if one wishes to remain an individual in the midst of the teeming multitudes, one must make oneself grotesque (Oct 28, 2007)
- 3: Vacant_Space (Dec 8, 2007)
- 4: Blackberry Cat , if one wishes to remain an individual in the midst of the teeming multitudes, one must make oneself grotesque (Dec 19, 2007)
- 5: Vacant_Space (Jan 15, 2008)
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