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Post 1


You like gardening? I do too - what's your garden like? I always like to know about other peoples' gardens because mine is so damn terrible smiley - sadface


Post 2


Hi Cordelia

I live in a terrace house so my garden is not large,i have a small patio with table 2 chairs and 2 benches(needed when family come on Sundays)I have also added large pot which i have put water lilies in and 2 gold fish,then up a step to a gravel area with a boarder on the right hand side which i have cramed with plants,pansies,climbing roses, honeysuckle hydranger,geraniums,lilies ,poppies,then numerous pots filled with miniture roses heathers,petuniers,and trting to grow a pumkin for my grandson from seed from pumpkin we had last halloween,and i have 2 solar powered light and a few stone ornaments.i live in the West midlands...were do you live,and what is your garden like.i find my garden very relaxing.

look forward to hearing from you


Post 3


Its me again I have just looked at your page,my grandaughter Kay will be 14 in September,she likes cats she has 2,i have 2 cats Misty is 19 and Sandy will be 13 next month.Kay is always at my house i am sure she would be please to hear from you too.i have 4 grand children Mat is 15 in October,then Kay,then Adam 11 and Sophie 10,I am a young thinking nan,my gkids keep me young,

My garden

Post 4


I live in Greater London in a medium-ish Victorian House reasonably near the Thames. My garden isn’t big either and it’s a mess. I’ll start from the back and work towards the house. OK, so at the very end (it’s a long garden) we have an ancient shed which is a very unattractive browny-red. Next to that is the bonfire pile (a.k.a our own private mini RSPCA shelter). We always check before we have a bonfire just in case a hedgehog has taken up residence. Around that is an expanse of grass and weeds. Eventually this will be our patio area because it is wonderfully cool under the sycamores and oaks. Moving down, there is my patch (which I am going to leave until next year to plant up properly). I applied for one of Thomson & Morgan’s special offers in the Daily Mail and was sent lots of bulbs (Gladioli Butterfly, Anemone de Caen, Oxalis and Liatris) which should flower soon. Opposite is the Miscallaneous Patch. My grandma gives us lots of plants that she has propagated herself and so we plant them in there. It’s full at the moment with Sea Holly, Roses, Impatiens, Jasmine, Campanula, Dwarf Lupins and things that we have been given over the years. We are also the proud owner of a huge Gunnera Manicata which is spectacular if not very pretty. My dad grew it from seed when he was a boy (he is now 53). We also have a greenhouse which is full of some very beautiful plants including Agave Americana, various succulents and a cactus called Henry (we have no idea what it is).
The florist down the road frequently dumps plants and so I rescue them, nurture them and, if I have too many, sell them. We’re raising money for a greenhouse at school so that we can have a greenhouse club. I went out and bought some African Marigold seeds, planted them in pots and sold them for 50p each (2 per pot). I sold around 250 pots, so that is a lot of money to start off the fund. I am also growing muscari, spinach, corn salad, annual dahlias, lychnis and potentilla from seed in pots and am going to sell them when they are bigger. So there you go.

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