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Another Grannie!!

Post 1

Also Ran1-hope springs eternal

HI Misty girl,

Thank you for your welcome. I joined h2g2 in November 2001 (I think - I know that I have been a member for over two years!!)
West Midlands - now where is that.? I lived in Shrewsbury for two years after my open heart op in 1994. I absolutely loved it and really could call that my happiest time in England. I love music and there was a marvellous guy in Shrewsbury who used to organise a coach for the members of the Concert Club to go to concerts both in Birmingham and also to all other parts of Wales and Shropshire. Bliss, pure bliss.

You also love gardening - which I do too. So hopefully we shall have a lot in common. I must confess however to being a great grandmother. and a great aunt as well. I am very long in the tooth you see; three quarters of a century at my last birthday bash. This was a wonderful virtual fancy dress party which was celebrated by literally hundreds of my friends on this site. I had guests arriving in such wonderful costumes as a spider's web and then another who came as a spider. I was very worried about all the other guests safety as you can imagine!!. .

Very sincerely,
AR1 smiley - schooloffish

Another Grannie!!

Post 2


Hi there,my name is Sandra,San to my friends,do I call you AR1?
Shrewsbury lovely place not too far from me,we go that way if we go to Wales,I live in a little town called Willenhall(were the Yale locks are made)where do you live? yes I love gardening although my garden is small,its a blaze of colour in summer,at the moment i have a light up Santa in it and little lantern lights around the shed,just for the grandkids you see LOL,im 58 married to John 39 years i work at a medical centre as receptionist,been there 14 years,and still learning ,doing a new corse on computers soon,as we are being updated at the surgery,always something new to learn, I was a user on LD before it closed down,thats how i got onto this so many old LD users on friend sent me this link,as im on a digibox with Telewest not a pc,well i have to go to work tomorrow,so im off to bed,hope to chat again soonxxSan

Another Grannie!!

Post 3

Universal Granny

Hello Mistygirl and AR1 - thought I'd say hello to two other grannies from a third!

Have a smiley - coffee or smiley - tea

I have three grandchildren, love gardening, but not that keen on Billy Fury!! I also make plaster cast models of almost anything within reason, a hobby I seem to have infected my nearly 5 year old granddaughter with. We spend many happy hours in the shed, casting, painting, varnishing, criticising and sometimes discarding!!

I am in full time employment as a night shift supervisor, heading a team of 9 rowdy lads, who have all adopted me as their personal Granny and actually work pretty hard - just noisily!

I don't feel old enough (57 in two weeks time) to form a sewing circle or coffee morning, too introspective. How about Granorama? Gives the impression of looking upwards and outwards. My physical world is becoming a little smaller as various joints give up on me, so I am determined to expand my mind (when I can remember where I put it)!

Hope you are both well

Take care smiley - hug Universal Granny

Another Grannie!!

Post 4


Hi there,nice to hear from another granny.i was 58 last November,and as you know i like Billy Fury/Elvis gather you have visited my space .Im fine,ready for bed now,i work as a doctors receptionist.we have staff off,and are very busy,but i love the job,should do by now been doing it 14 years.i love doing things with my grandkids too,seem to have more patience with them than i did with their mothers.well hope we chat again soon,where do you live,im in Walsall..the names Sandra, San to my friends smiley - disco

Another Grannie!!

Post 5

Also Ran1-hope springs eternal

My dear Mistygirl(Sandra) and Universal Grannie smiley - smiley

Please forgive me for not having replied to your posting. I seem to have been absent from the site for a little while.

It is great to hear from the two of you though you are actually young enough to be my children!!!. You see I am going to be 76 in May!!. I celebrated my 75th birthday party on this site in May last year with a wonderful fancy dress party and I had nearly 300 visitors(postings!!). It really was a wonderful affair.

My first great grandson Matthew, is one year old today!!. I so wish that I could be nearer him. He lives in South Africa. I have eight grandchildren - three grandsons and five granddaughters. However they live all over the wolrd. My one daughter and her family live in Brisbane Australia, and my other daughter lives in Johannesburg South Africa. My eldest son lives in London and New York. So unfortunately I do not see much of them as you can imagine. Fortunately we have contact with emails.

My bulbs are coming up in my little patio garden. and my first ever daphne plant appears to have flower buds on it. It is extraordinary how fragrant winter flowers are.

I send you both warm greetings. How marvellous to have a group of young men who have adopted you as a Grannie - and that you work all night.

With affectionate greetings.

Also Ran 1 smiley - schooloffish

Another Grannie!!

Post 6


Goodmorning AR1,nice to hear from you again.I love having my gkids round me ,i am so lucky they only live a few mins from me,and now that they are old enough they come on their own .im learning a lot off Kayleigh(13) about my pc(Not 0n line at mo)but then they have them in school .My garden looks a little dull,but some bulbs are coming up,and would you beleive it i still have one rose still on the bush,and winter pansies are doing well in my pots and wall containers.well im off shopping with my youngest daughter today,we both have a day off,so you take care smiley - love San

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