This is the Message Centre for Mistygirl

Hi from another Sandra..:)..

Post 1


Just thought i'd stop in and say hello..smiley - biggrin

smiley - tea?

and are you a sarndra or a saandra by the way?

Hi from another Sandra..:)..

Post 2


Im a Saandra,my friends call me San ,nice to hear from you,,

Hi from another Sandra..:)..

Post 3


Ahh you get it the nice way then smiley - laugh

i was just having a lurk around as usual..

Hi from another Sandra..:)..

Post 4


I was just browsing too,winding dowm before going to bed, have to wait till my hubby as gone to bed as on Telewest,goodnight..smiley - holly Merry Christmas smiley - holly San

Hi from another Sandra..:)..

Post 5


I'm on telepest hubby to worry about though smiley - biggrin

Hi from another Sandra..:)..

Post 6


Morning,just checking any postings before I go off to work.have a good dayxxSan

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