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Hi girl

Post 1

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Hi thought I'd stop by in case you still need help like you had mentioned on sals (smurfles) thread.

All the skins are arranged differently so if you tell me what skin you are using I think I can help.

There is;
Classic goo
alabaster (probably this one?)
forget the other one just now but its green and black....

Hi girl

Post 2


Thanx abbi.I am on alabaster,I am picking things up,the more i use the more i'm finding out.But i have been so busy at work,by the time i can get on here,after my hubby as gone to bed,i'm so tired, I have only been coming in to check any mssgs,and leave replies,after christmas i will realy get into it,then i might need your help.xxSan

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